Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Science Beliefs Then

1. Earth sat on a large animal

2. No knowledge of Earth's origin

3. When dealing with disease, hands were washed in still water

4. Sick people were bled

Science Catches Up With Biblical Knowledge

1. Free float Earth in space - Job 26:7 Written 1800-2000 BC

2. Creation made of invisable elements (atoms) - Hebrews 11:3 Written 70 AD

3. When dealing with disease, hands should be washed under running water - Leviticus 15:13 Written 1444-1445 BC

4. Blood is the source of life and health - Leviticus 17:11 Written 1444-1445 BC

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 10, 2001


Some more Biblical "science"...

the bat is a bird (Lev. 11:19, Deut. 14:11, 18);

Some fowls are four-footed (Lev. 11:20-21);

Some creeping insects have four legs. (Lev. 11:22-23);

Hares chew the cud (Lev. 11:6);

Camels don't divide the hoof (Lev. 11:4);

The earth was formed out of and by means of water (2 Peter 3:5 RSV);

The earth rests on pillars (1 Sam. 2:8);

The earth won't be moved (1Chron. 16:30);

A hare does not divide the hoof (Deut. 14:7);

The rainbow is not as old as rain and sunshine (Gen. 9:13);

A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds and grows into the greatest of all shrubs (Matt. 13:31-32 RSV);

Turtles have voices (Song of Sol. 2:12);

The earth has ends or edges (Job 37:3);

The earth has four corners (Isa. 11:12, Rev. 7:1);

Some 4-legged animals fly (Lev. 11:21);

The world's language didn't evolve but appeared suddenly (Gen. 11:6- 9;

A fetus can understand speech (Luke 1:44).

The following animals are described as if real...

cockatrices (Jer. 8:17, Isa. 11:8 59:5),

unicorns (Deut. 33:17, Psalms 22:21. 29:6, Job 39:9-10),

satyrs (Isa. 34:14, 13:21)

fiery serpents (Num. 21:6),

and flying serpents (Isa. 14:29, 30:6).

-- Eve (eve", May 10, 2001.

Gotta agree with Eve on this one. However, from what I know about it, language did appear rather suddenly (relatively speaking - no pun indended), and there is no accepted theory on how this occured. Likewise, there is no accepted theory on how a toddler first achieves speech.

-- (@ .), May 10, 2001.

[chuckle] Nice finds, Eve. I have little doubt there are a whole lot more if a person wanted to spend any time digging 'em out.

(Hmm... Have you noticed how quiet "Atheist Corner" has been since you posted that? Here's hoping some fiery flying serpent didn't swoop out of the sky and carry him away.)

-- CD (, May 10, 2001.


This question is now subject to some really interesting studies. One thing that has come out has to do with what are known as creoles. These are polyglot languages cobbled together out of pieces of other different languages.

Typically, this happens when a bunch of people are lumped together who do not share a common language. Sometimes this is accidental, and sometimes it's done deliberately (for example, to prevent "undesirables" from plotting escapes).

Three things about creoles have been noted as being universal: (1) They are developed by the children, who simply invent a way around the communication barrier; (2) They are developed within a single generation; and (3) They are *all the same* in construction and grammar, regardless of the various original languages being blended.

The implications are striking -- that humans have an inherent linguistic ability, which works the same way in everyone everywhere. Tracking down the actual neurological basis is still well beyond or knowledge, however.

-- Flint (, May 10, 2001.

Acceptable, you get a B on Linguistics 101.

-- (, May 10, 2001.

How about the "science" of Shakespeare next. Here's a hint, the Bard is better poetry than empiricism.

-- The shadow (, May 10, 2001.

By a funny coincidence, Shadow, I was going to make the same point about the Bible.

-- George Carlin (, May 10, 2001.

Hmm... Have you noticed how quiet "Atheist Corner" has been since you posted that?

What is it you would have me say?

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 10, 2001.

What is it you would have me say?

I'm sorry, AC. I guess I thought when you initiated this thread you had some kind of point to make.

-- CD (, May 10, 2001.

I thought my post was clear. Perhaps you still have questions?

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 10, 2001.

AC and Eve - thanks for the verses.

"DNA cells - Every cell of any living thing has a code within it. The code within it has information in which that living thing (human, animal, plant) is going to grow and develop along the lines of the information within the code within the cell."

"The information residing in the cells is of crucial importance for the existence of life. Anybody who wants to make meaningful statements about the origin of life would be forced to explain how the information originated. All evolutionary views are found unable to answer this crucial question - Where did the information come from?" -- Frances H Krik (?)

-- (, May 11, 2001.

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