landscaping ideas wanted (for bricks) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We just cleaned out Grandma's garage and have over 100 bricks we can use. We already have a fire pit, but would like other landscaping ideas. What can we do with these bricks?
-- Bob & Laura from Buck Snort Resort (, May 07, 2001
Sidewalks, wishing well, flower beds, mail box, above ground fish pool, cover with fabric use for door stops or foot warmers. (Heated in warm oven or beside stove) Thats all I can think of.
-- Thumper (, May 07, 2001.
Not sure what you mean by a firepit. Can you cook on it? If not, how about making a fireplace? My grandpa had one, basically a fire box, with a metal grill over it, and at the back, there was a chimney. We had fish fries there, and one memorable winter we cooked down maple sap to make maple syrup. One of the recent CS issues had an article by the Belanger's on making a baking oven. That's another idea.
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, May 07, 2001.
Hello Bob, The bricks would make an excellant patio floor. Lay them in a herring bone pattern ontop of a layer of sand. Fill the cracks with quik crete and sprinkle the top with water. They would make a great greenhouse floor or borders for your landscape. Sincerely, Ernest
-- (, May 07, 2001.
Wow, what a find! If I knew where you were, and you'd make me a good deal, I would try to buy them from you! I am always on the lookout for brick (particularly pavers- the ones with no holes) they make the best paths. Try to put sand under them, but if your cheap like me you'll just till up the ground to make it soft and level the bricks as you lay them. If you break any you can make some really neat patterns, in fact I prefer them that way for "country character"!Have Fun! Joy
-- Joy (, May 12, 2001.
Several years ago the old high school which bacame the Jr. Hi 50 yrs ago, was torn down. It must have been 100 years old. We bought a load or two of the bricks, had to clean the mortor off (good summer job for the boys), then stacked them. A few years ago, we replaced the front sidewalk, which was really home-made stepping stones, with herringbone pattern brick. Some of the bricks have the brickyard town name stamped on them. I think there are a few from here (Olney) and some from Albion, about 30 miles from here. Moss is growing in the cracks between the bricks now and it looks great.
-- ruth in s.e.Illinois (, May 12, 2001.