How to access the battery? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I need to install pigtails for my Battery Tender. What is the proper way of accessing the battery? I'm guessing just remove the 3 bolts that the seat attaches to. Is there an easier way?
-- mod (, May 06, 2001
Best thing is to remove the two bolts they keep the fuel tank in place and fix it up with something between it and the frame. The job on the battery aera will be easier.Bests Regards
-- Laurent GABERELL (, May 07, 2001.
Careful when removing the tail section. There is a bracket that is of a thicker metal grade directly behind the tank. This piece is what the seat pivot attaches to. If not adjusted correctly when put back on, it will be VERY hard to turn the key and lift the tail again........just make sure it turns smoothly after reassembling and then closing the tail section....J
-- Jeremy (, May 08, 2001.