Old hat to you lot - suprised me tho

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

On comparing Utd and Sunderlands status in the North East as a member of the top 200 companies, Newcastle are at 82 (70) last year while the barmpots are 140. The difference in size of the workforce amazed me we at SJP employ all told 338 , it requires a total of 540 to keep the mackems ticking over, this fact alone could lead to a interesting discussion and in all probability witty responses as to why the vast difference in workforce is required, I will log the turnover for those who may be interested, US..........44720.......them....24178....

The question is "What do the statistics shown tell us"

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001


changing floodlight bulbs - this will not be accepted as a answer

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

Lost property attendants? "Whees keeys are theeese keeys?"

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

The food stalls, bars, betting kiosks and conference staff are all franchises at SJP. We also clearly don't employ any public relations staff or travelling ticket distributors. There is a strong possibility that half the North East media are currently employed by SAFC as well and then there's the monkey-wranglers.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

..... not to mention those employed on the banana plantation!

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

Peanut sellers, Ten in a bag.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

effeciency at NUFC of just Mackems are lazy.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

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