Some links for skeptics : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

NCAS -- National Capital Area Skeptics The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Guide for the New Millennium -- Main Page The WorldWide Scam Network Skeptic Planet -- Helping you search for intelligent life on Earth CSICOP On-line: Scientifically Investigating Paranormal and Fringe Science Claims NCAHF Home Page Skeptic News: The "What's New" Page for Skeptics The Skeptic Friends Network National Anxiety Center Online - Your Information Source on Media Scare Campaigns Quackwatch Home Page Still Waiting For Greenhouse Still Waiting For Greenhouse The CO2 Issue Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine New Scientist - News, jobs and more from the leading weekly science magazine The Debunker's Domain, by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, the "paranormal," feminist "scholarship"

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001


Let's try that again.

NCAS -- National Capital Area Skeptics

The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Guide for the New Millennium -- Main Page

The WorldWide Scam Network

Skeptic Planet -- Helping you search for intelligent life on Earth

CSICOP On-line: Scientifically Investigating Paranormal and Fringe Science Claims

NCAHF Home Page

Skeptic News: The "What's New" Page for Skeptics

The Skeptic Friends Network

National Anxiety Center Online - Your Information Source on Media Scare Campaigns

Quackwatch Home Page

Still Waiting For Greenhouse

Still Waiting For Greenhouse

The CO2 Issue Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine

New Scientist - News, jobs and more from the leading weekly science magazine

The Debunker's Domain, by Robert Sheaffer. Skeptical resources on UFOs, the "paranormal," feminist "scholarship"

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

-- (cin@cin.cin), May 04, 2001.

what's the catch?

-- (, May 04, 2001.

Let's play "dueling bookmarks".

Closeminded Science [Pathological Skepticism]

Actually this site contains some of the same links. ;-)

-- Debbie (, May 04, 2001.

The links you provide illustrate to me how little original thought you have, Buddy.

Quackwatch, in particular holds up Rosemary Jacobs as a victim of drinking Colloidal Silver, and yet, with the thousands of people who actually drink it, there are no other "blue people". A true, factual skeptic like yourself should be able to provide at least a logical explanation for that.

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), May 04, 2001.

I'm all for skepticism, but some of the above sites apply a grotesque double standard in evaluating opposing conventional and unconventional viewpoints. Quackwatch is a good illustration.

-- David L (, May 04, 2001.

KoFE and I posted in parallel.

-- David L (, May 04, 2001.

You're going to extraordinary lengths to demonstrate that you are left-brain dominant and therefore not operating with all faculties simultaneously firing. Why would you want to expose yourself thusly?

-- 1 (, May 04, 2001.

That last comment was for B-b-b-buddy's benefit.

-- 1 (, May 04, 2001.

KoFE and I posted in parallel.

Ooooh, look....a synchronicity! But don't tell B-b-b-buddy or he'll spend days looking for links to prove that it was just your imagination and it didnt really happen. His poor little brain is already burning badly-worn rubber, so let's give him a break.

Tell 'ya what....let's do an experiment. Let's all visualize a swirling ball of fire over B-b-b-buddy's head as he sleeps tonight and see if we can get him (ahem) fired up in the right direction, Bwahahahahaha.......

-- 1 (, May 04, 2001.

David, I agree.

Quackwatch's double standard is no better illustrated than by the recent case of Dr. Robert Sinaiko.

For those who care to do some homework.

-- Debbie (, May 06, 2001.

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