Message for Thumper (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thumper:I do hope you weren't using your parents PC when you posted aginst the Neighbors... thread. You can use a false user id and e-mail address, but I can see your cookie - Sooner or later I'll be able to match it up with another posting and will send a copy of your posting back to them.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, May 03, 2001
I think someone is using my handle, Where is the Neighbors...thread?
-- Thumper (, May 04, 2001.
OK, Well it wasn't this Thumper, I have the integerity to stand behind what I have to say. I don't have to hide my identity. My thanks to Ken for removing the post, I have a 'way' bigger vocabulary than the "thumper" impostor.
-- Thumper (, May 04, 2001.
It looks like that IP addy is a dialup account at,
posters here that use are:
Jump Off Joe and Hendo
Anybody use your computers lately?
-- David (, May 05, 2001.
It did not come from the PC of either JOJ or Hondo.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, May 06, 2001.