What is your favorite seed catalog?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Was just wondering....what is your favorite seed catalog and why?
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), May 03, 2001
Johnny'sThe best cherry tomatoes, the catalog has lots of extra info on seed germination, and they have a good selection of cover crops and green manure crops. They also label their seeds for hybrid or open pollenated.
-- Paul Wheaton (paul@javaranch.com), May 03, 2001.
As art - Seed Savers Exchange. Stunning photography. AlsoFor quality - Johnny's. Never had a problem with anything we bought from them.
For selection - Jungs. Modern and old varieties. Reasonable prices too. Did our main order from them this year.
-- David C (fleece@eritter.net), May 03, 2001.
As art - Seed Savers Exchange. Absolutely stunning photography. Also some very interesting seeds we've never seen anywhere elseFor quality - Johnny's. Never had a problem with anything we bought from them. Great customer service too.
For selection - Jungs. Modern and old varieties. Reasonable prices too. Did our main order from them this year.
-- David C (fleece@eritter.net), May 03, 2001.
Unusual seeds- seeds of change,medicanel- nichols, and all around henry feilds, once got 4 dawrf fruit trees for 10 dollars from them so have a soft spot for them.
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), May 03, 2001.
What a question... I have so many!! Let's see........Bountiful Gardens and Pinetree are tied for first, both have excellent prices and great variety. They give lots of info in their catalogs, too. Both offer organic seed, and most seeds from these two are not treated.
Burpee's heirloom catalog is great, but rather expensive. They do have some things that their regular catalog doesn't and some things that are hard to find exclusives.
Henry Fields and Gurneys (really the same company - owned by the same family, but different members) are wonderful for fruits - and they have some EXCELLENT 'specials' and 'package' deals.
Seeds of Change - just plain old 'because' -
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), May 03, 2001.
E&R seeds. They are cheap and reliable.
-- Deborah Lawton (jlawton@kaltelnet.net), May 03, 2001.
I like Vesey's Seed. Great seeds for my growing zone and not over priced.
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), May 03, 2001.
Jung's Seed Catalog, of course. I've been buying from there for 35 years. We also have a family tradition in that we all drive to Randolph,WI and buy our trees and plants. My daughter takes photos of her children picking out seeds for their 4-H book and we take a photo of the grandchildren in front of the building. It just wouldn't be spring without going there! I guess it can be called "making memories"!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), May 04, 2001.
Fedco seed catalog from Maine. Amazing prices, variety, and quality. This is a seed coop and you can pool your seed order with others and realize greater savings. There is a seed and organic grower's supply catalog, a tree catalog that includes all kinds of fruit trees (many heirloom), berries, ornamentals, and perennials, and a bulb catalog that should be arriving the end of May or the beginning of June. However, you cannot order seeds and trees all year long, because these folks go home and plant their gardens. Also like Pinetree Gardens, Nichols, and Territorial.
-- vicki g. (NW OH) (thga76@aol.com), May 04, 2001.
Fedco--we order more and more from them each year. We do a group order in January with a bunch of friends, and it is nice to get a bunch of catalogs to order from. We do still order a few things from other companies, such as Jungs, Pinetree, Stokes, and a couple that I don't recall at the moment.
-- Jim (jiminwis@yahoo.com), May 09, 2001.
We love Pinetree Garden Seeds. They sell seeds at a very inexpensive price. They are usually a smaller quantity that other seed packs but it is more than enough for a small to midsize garden. Try their Carole potatoes. They have a very buttery flavor. Their email is pinetree@superseeds.com. Their address is Box 300, New Gloucester, ME 04260. Phone is 207-926-3400. Wish they had a 800 #.
-- CJ Popeck (cjpopeck@worldnet.att.net), May 15, 2001.