SHAME ON YOU!!! (FORUM RELATED) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been on this forum since it started. The forum used to be a place to get advice about homesteading. You would ask your question and get tons of good friendly advice and support. Now you ask a question and you get blasted for being a big dope! What is up with that? You may note that I have stayed out of the political and religious posts.Now that feud has spilled over to contaminate the whole forum. Remember we did not used to need rules. Everyone was nice to one another. If you have not been nice on this forum - SHAME ON YOU!!!
Sake hands and say you’re sorry! ...And mean it! >:|
-- StoryBook Farm (, May 02, 2001
I guess I missed it! What is the trouble? If the whole forum is contaminated, how did I miss it?? Just curious.
-- cowgirlone (, May 02, 2001.
Best forum I came across so far,Nothing wrong from my point of view. If the title doesnt interest you don't open and if you do and do not care for it just go on to the next one and enjoy the forum messages as most of us do. Have a nice day. Mary
-- Mary (, May 02, 2001.
I hate to think I might be accused of pointing fingers and not playing fair... I would also never intentionally imply that someone is a 'dope'!! I've asked some really stupid questions here! So, if I've hurt anyone here, then sorry. I haven't noticed all that much nastiness since that flair up a month or so ago, so I'm not sure what all's going on.However, I do read almost every single post, whether I agree or not. If there are questions, I ask, and if my opinion differs I state that. Since that 'flare up' - I've been more quiet... more because I would prefer civility to what usually happens. I haven't found anything I would consider a blatant falsehood, so why bother? It only gets people angry...
With each new post on rules, more people fly off this forum. This time, several have also cancelled their subscriptions. No matter how hard I try, they ain't comin' back. Lots of stuff offends me too - I just have better things to do with my time.
-- Sue Diederich (, May 02, 2001.
I'm with Mary .... If you don't like it, close it or don't even open it in the first place. I work 40 hours a week in town, come home and do chores in the barnyard, do the supper thing, and try to find some time for my family. Any extra time i have left, I come to this forum to see if there is any posts that would help us in our homestead operation. I almost have to laugh at the childish rabble. If I was among a group of people and they talked about something I disagreed with, it would be best just to let them vent their opinion and walk away ... be nice! Same goes for here. If I open a post that I think I would be interested in, then find out I would rather not "listen" to it, it is just so simple to close the post and move on to the next one. Also, I believe that maybe answering a post that seems to be causing a problem is just fueling the fire. Perhaps those "fighting" just get their jollies by seeing everyone else upset. Don't know, just a thought. I will try to stop being analytical now. Sorry. Myself, I don't have time for rabble. Obviously, those who choose to make "trouble" have way too much time on their hands. Maybe they would like to come and clean my barns! I enjoy this forum and hopefully EVERYONE can learn to "hold their tongue" and get along. Have a Nice Day and Be Nice to One Another.
-- JoAnn (, May 02, 2001.
There is a wealth of homesteading experience out there, and this forum gives us access to it. We are extremely thankful to have this option and have always been satisfied with the answers we got from questions. I think the problems arise when threads become opinion rather than experience. Obviously with philosophical issues such as politics, religion, society, environment etc, opinions have the potential to be polarized. I believe, and hope, that Dave B's approach to curtail some of the less pertinent (maybe provocative) posts will make an improvement.I have never read of anyone being called a dope on the forum when posting a sincere question or response related to homesteading. I admit guilt to giving very brief responses to questions, but my time is at a premium, and I do my best to help where I can. This would include directing someone to the archives if I know that their answer is there. I stopped posting my "opinions" in responses a while back and now stick to my "experience".
-- David C (, May 03, 2001.
I think David makes a good point. In one thread where the person was asking for the time to can beans in the boiling water bath, she clearly stated she knew it was the less safe way to do it. none-the- less, no one bothered to give her an answer, just their tirade of personal "opinions" regarding that method of canning. I am trying very hard to stick to my experiences here now, after being far too involved in the religious and political threads. Respect and helpfulness to each other should be the primary focus here. There are a multitude of other forums out there that handle the "big issues" of the day and I hope we can keep this as what it was originally intended to be.
-- diane (, May 03, 2001.
o.k. Diane, make me a liar (lol)! I forgot I answered that one. I do have experience PRESSURE canning green beans. It was the thought of watching something boil for 3 hours that got me! Thread drift warning!!!
-- David C (, May 03, 2001.
Yikes!!! David, I didn't even remember that you were one of the responders to that thread!!! Nothing personal intended....just an example??? :>}
-- diane (, May 03, 2001.
I think most people on this forum have the right answer and that is if the thread does not interest you don't open it and if you do open it just to be nosey but find it not to your liking,then don't comment on it by adding off the wall remarks just back up and go on to others that you do like. It's all very simple here folks you just use reasoning and common sense.
-- Tom (, May 03, 2001.
It looks like it's time for milk and cookies and a nap! I just made some white chocolate cookies....anyone want some? Oh, and if you don't want milk, I'll put on the pot of coffee. Seriously folkks, let's get on with gardening, cooking or whatever!
-- Ardie from WI (, May 03, 2001.
As long as the Forum does not go the way that BHM went. I have been around on this forum for a long time too, I hardley reconize any names, so many folks have moved on.
-- Hendo (OR) (, May 04, 2001.
I wasn't going to respond to this or Kens new forum posting thread because it just perpetuates everything that is wrong with this forum. Unless we go to a sign in type forum like some of us have over on MSN, you can't control folks, and the more you try the worse the forum becomes. I think I was pretty right on with the Ken/Joel analogy, if we would just let Ken post his info and leave it at that I think he would soon tire of the whole scenerio.I also posted on the Green Bean thread. I simply refuse to playcate to somebody, giving them missinformation. Waterbath canning green beans is not just "a little unsafe". I tried to explain that waterbathing for 3 hours still only keeps the water at boiling, not rising it like pressure canning does. Same goes on the goat threads, after the question has been answered in the pat, worm or cocci treat or what ever for the 3rd or 4th time, what difference does it make to then go on and give more information. Not everyone reading this site is a newbie, and if it provokes private emails with even more information, than good has been done. What a shame though that some folks won't voice their opinions on these types of threads for the fear of being slammed. I agree with John, I do this forum for the sake of the goat folks, when it is no longer fun, I will leave. There are at least 20 other forums to answer your goat related questions. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, May 04, 2001.
After looking up the word "placate" I am quite certain Vicki that no one on this forum could ever accuse you of placation.
-- diane (, May 04, 2001.
Hey Vicki!! You go girl!!
-- Earthmama (, May 04, 2001.