Chives : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Chives and perennial onions like garlic chives and multiplier (evergreen or welsh) onions are easy to grow and have many uses.

My favorites are: chopped fresh in tuna or chicken salad, or any kind of salad. Good chopped in cottage cheese. Can also be used instead of onions in many recepies.

Chives can be grown in the flower bed for its flowers, too.

They are a fine companion plant to ward off various bugs for fruit trees and roses, and to keep ants from coming in the house when planted by the doorstep.

These small green onions can be cut, chopped and dried, and used all year in that form.

Basically, you can't have too many of these useful and pretty plants, which are so low maintainance and grow in just average soil conditions. Plant a bunch!

-- seraphima (, May 01, 2001


We have chives...the blossoms make the prettiest pink vinegar. :)

One thing though...don't plant chives next to Santolina. I did and by the end of last summer my poor santolina plant looked as if it was trying to get away from the chives. It did not survive the winter. Some herbs don't do well next to other herbs.

-- Heather in MD (, May 07, 2001.

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