Got to see our new land! Love it! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Good Morning all!Just wanted to share with you all that I got to see our new land this weekend. We drove down Saturday morning at about 4:30am. Can you believe the kids didn’t sleep the two and a half hour drive? They were as excited as us!
Well, I love it! And it is certainly wild and hasn’t been used in many, many years. Just woods. The front of the woods where there is road frontage is severely overgrown. We couldn’t even get onto the land until Mark went first, chopping away at the sticker bushes. Once we got up the hill (after several trips up and down, I am calling it a mountain), the woods were beautiful! Lots of different kinds of trees, ferns, wild flowers… just beautiful! There are areas that are clearer than others. Hilly areas and areas that are more flat. Loads of work to be done!
We saw a few ticks… expected but something I am going to have to get use to! We saw a very long, about 2and1/2 ft , green snake, lots of rabbits, deer, and many turtles and humming birds. Found a beaver dam across the road.
I didn’t get much that I had planned to do done. We were to busy trying to follow the survey map and finding the property lines! It is amazing how the woods start to look all the same and how quickly you can get yourself turned around! I am not admitting to anyone here how many times I was lost (they all thought mom was just out exploring!).
I took pictures and video taped, but not like I had planned to. It was too hard to hike and snap pictures and then I got very sidetracked!
Just wanted to share that we are happy, have a lot of work to do, am going to have the drive dozed in next month so we don’t have to haul all that camping equipment up that mountain, and am to overwhelmed to think about what needs to be done next! Oh, how do you prioritize so much stuff that needs to be done?
Can't wait to go back...
-- Kelly longing to live in the woods... (, May 01, 2001
Sounds great, Kelly. You post got me to smiling=) Where is this at?
-- Kevin in NC (, May 01, 2001.
Hi Kelly! How exciting, my 3 kids were also little when we moved to our property, 2, 4 and 8. The road wasn't even finished so we had the 1/2 mile walk before even getting to the marker for our property. After climbing through, around and over stickers downed trees and thick underbrush, we found the road at the back of our property. Sending husband back through the woods, I told him to just drive around and find us on the road! Take everything very slowly, I love our little piece of forest! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, May 01, 2001.
Hi Kevin!Our land is in southern Ohio, Gallia County ( glad you asked! Everyone here thinks we are nuts or they are just sick to death of me talking about our land. I am sooo excited I can't shut up!).
Why are you smiling? I was cracking up when we finally arrived at our land and I looked up at that over grown, thorn infested mountain that my husband reassured me was a "hill". In all honesty though, it was a hill in comparison to the mountains we hiked in Kentucky when we were looking at land there. But, after lugging water jugs and coolers of food up the "hill", my husband finally agreed to call it a mountain. I would hike it fifty times a day thought to be living there permanently!
We won't be moving for good for about 2 more years... a long wait. But at least I can finally see an end to this city living!
How are things with your homestead situation? I have been following your posts and keeping you all in my thoughts...
-- Kelly longing to live in the woods... (, May 01, 2001.
We also just recently bought 21 acres of woods. The first time we went on it, we spotted 5 deer. Just the thought of being there makes me want to get up from this desk, quit my job and go.Really looking forward to getting there in about a year.
-- Joe Williams (, May 01, 2001.
Congratulations!!!Just spent a few minutes musing about how excited I would be - ahhh... my daydreams!!
I know there's an awful lot you have to do, but knowing the satisfaction you will feel as you accomplish each task will get you through!! I could almost picture it as I read your post - mmmmm!!!
One thing... make sure if you are going to use the water from the creek to get it upstream from any sign of beavers!!! Montezuma's (SP??) Revenge is no fun!!
-- Sue Diederich (, May 01, 2001.
Congratulations Kelly!! Dreams do come true! Pretty soon you'll have to change your name to Kelly living in her mountain retreat.
-- Judy in Md. (, May 01, 2001.
Way to go, Kelly longing to live in the woods!!!!We too started out with just land and we loved it also. And, you are right, it is very difficult to prioritize all the things that need to be done and it can be very overwhelming. Everytime that I got that overwhelmed feeling I had to stop, look around, and realize that I would rather be living here and feel overwhelmed once in a while than to live in the city like we used to.
So much to do---ain't it great. Just do it like you would eat an elephant----one bite at a time.
Your excitement made me stop and take a look at our place and I got excited all over again. Thanks for the boost!
-- Doug in KY (, May 01, 2001.
Kelly, it sounds great! How many acres did you buy?
-- amy (, May 01, 2001.
Big huge smile from me too!! We all know how you feel. Really really good! Way to go Kelly and you to Joe!!!.....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, May 02, 2001.
Hi Kelly ! Been following your adventure and just wanted to add my congratulations. We've been on our land 5 years now but we did it the easy, (cheating?) way. Had the house built first so that we could move onto the land right away. All the rest we have done entirely ourselves. If we do it again I wouldn't be afraid to do the house too. We love our mountains and I know that you are going to love yours. Keep us posted. It has been wonderful to join in with your excitment. Wishing you only the best of luck !
-- cindy (, May 02, 2001.
Congrats Kelly! I know the feeling. Been here three + years and you couldn't drag me to the city. I have folks across the river from you so I know it is beautifull country.If I had to do it again, hmmm, storage garage, shorter driveway, sidewalk, then house. Oh yea, get to know your trees. Those 'tarzan' vines are up to no good. And multiflora rose? Bulldozer. You have the time to do some real planning which I didn't. I will grow old before my woods finish educating me. Your story is one that I plan to follow! Good luck to you and yours.
-- Virgil Wright SE Ohio (, May 04, 2001.
Kelly,Judy and I are in Vinton county (adjoining county, Northwest side of Gallia county). We have been here 13 years, transplanted from city life. If there is any way that we can help with information, etc. just let us know. Lots of nubian goats here at our place, too.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (, May 05, 2001.