update on Rise and Fall... looking for landgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thank you to all who responded to original "rise and fall of a homestead" post. And thanks to anyone who responds to this one- in advance! Ok, a breif rundown of developments. Folks slacked off some for time being- they were able to rent the unoccupied rental so overall stress level went down some. I inquired about freeing them of responsibility of loan. They said they would go for that, if I could secure loan. I can't secure loan- amount too much. Folks will not give us credit for past 3 years of payments. They say because they had settlement costs, and lost money on our first place. Since we have ?some? limited time, we are looking into land for cheap in a number of areas. Since, at this point in time, I need to keep my home business, it will need to be within acess of high way. It will also need to be east coast, in an area with not-too-bad auto rust. So, with these things in mind: Eastern Tennesse, western North Carolina, western Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, possible eastern Missouri. We believe we can come up with 25k for land, 5k for house we will build. We want from 5- maximum # of acres for 25k. It will NEED to have stream, creek, small river, pond or lake. It can't be in flood plain. It can be on dirt road, etc. As long as we have 2 wheel drive access for all but the dead of winter. Prefer wooded property with no existing house, but would possibly consider one with a house if the price was right. Mountains are fine by us. We can live temporarily in van and travel trailer while we build- I have experience and tools. Keep your eyes peeled for us! Someone mentioned a guy and his family (guy's name Earnest) that were doing this same basic approach- if he/ his family is reading, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I have some questions for you. If anyone knows him and his e mail adress, please drop him a line saying I wanted to contact him. THANKS!
-- Kevin in NC (vantravlrs@aol.com), May 01, 2001
Hi Kevin,I am confused by the reason you are unable to get a bank/mortgage loan for property you are on now. If you can come up with $30,000 for new property and you put that down on your existing property, you should be able to qualify for VERY large mortgage. If your income cannot support a loan with that much down, then your business may not be worth keeping anyway. I get the impression there is more to the story.
I left a post during your last letter with some suggestions and also to warn you about living with your child in a van. I am VERY serious about that. Losing your daughter to social services is not worth it! If you are reported they WILL put her in foster care. Also, why in world would you prefer to live in the van versus finding something with a house? You could get a fixer-up or a really old something-- even if you need to tear it down later after you build a newer one. You are looking in an area that gets cold winters. Your going to live in a van during the dead of winter??? I also see where others wrote for you to contact them. Even one dear person said they had room for you...God bless our little community here!
Also, you need to consider the cost of relocating elsewhere. Everyone thinks it will be fine and we will make do...but in reality...I doubt there is one out there that will say, "gee, that move costs a whole lot less and was so much easier than I thought it would". Nope, usually we all tend to under estimate...that is why once we get settled we all say "whew, not doing that again"!
Please don't misunderstand, I do not mean it the way it is all coming out. Sometimes when I type something it does not come out sounding like I am thinking it in my mind! I sure do feel for you! I know it is tough to deal with everything that is happening for you right now and certainly do wish you the best of luck. I admire your resourcefulness and ambition...but there is something to be said about reality as well.
-- Karen (kb0421@yahoo.com), May 01, 2001.
Ernest and Melia's website is:
www.communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarksYou should be able to email him from that page.
I just sent you a LONG list of land sites from an earlier countryside post, so check those out.
Karen, financing issue is a long story/weird situation. Kevin is right about how much they can handle. He has thought it out long and hard.
-- Kristin, in La. (positivekharma@aol.com), May 01, 2001.
Kevin, try contacting Cumberland Realty and speak to Wesley Radford. My wife and I bought property there in Cumberland Co last year and are moving there in a few months. It is economically depressed and very few people, so land is cheap and fairly plentiful. We love it. I don't know if it fits in with your business or not. Nobody is going to take your child away for living in a camper/trailer or whatever on your own property, while you build. There may be places like that in suburban areas, but not in this part of Kentucky. What basis would they have to take your child anyway? It's not like she's starving and freezing to death. There are no building codes in the county for residential buildings and property taxes are cheap. There is actually county water and paved roads almost everywhere, but no traffic. 300 sq mile county w/ around 8k people. We wont be using county water, but it's there if you wanted it. We will probably do a cistern for rainwater, although I know some people there with springs as well. My wife and I are living in a 14x16 tent until we get our first structure built (cordwood masonry). Good luck. The # for cumb realty is 270-864-5188
-- JC (survivors00@hotmail.com), May 01, 2001.
Ok, folks, don't go nuts! Didn't mean to get anyone up in arms. I have received a bunch of email!! Only answered from experience. As in my previous post...I am a paralegal and deal with all sorts of situations from people who are having difficulties. We recently had a situation simular to Kevin where a family was living in thier vehicle while building a house and social services (called HRS here) DID take the children. HRS's position was that it was not a sanitary, safe environment for children to be living in a vehicle of any type...even though our clients had a wonderful set-up for waste disposal, cooking, etc. The people eventually did get thier children back (after a court battle, attorneys fees and 6 months later)..but all I am saying is why risk it if you don't have to. It really did happen to one family.I also have real estate loan experience as a loan officer for the Federal Land Bank and a mortgage company and, if you read my prior post, will see that mortage companies are very liberal on lending these days and will work with someone self-employed, no credit, or slow credit. I wrote about some suggestions on how to proceed. I can still say that with $30,000 to spend, Kevin CAN get financing.
My sincerest apology. I cerainly am not being critical of Kevin. As I said in this post...I guess I just did not word things very well. I am so sorry. I did not mean to upset anyone. I learned a lesson...no more posts from me! I did not realize that I sounded unfeeling for Kevin. Kevin and his family has been in my families prayers since reading his first post. I am a tad disheartened that this community that rallies around Kevin (as they should--bless your hearts!) can be so critical of someone that was only trying to help also. Once again, my apology.
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), May 01, 2001.
Kevin,I zipped out an email to Ernest and gave him your email address. I'm sure he will read your post here as it seems he reads most of them. He has helped me out with honest, friendly, good-hearted advice, suggestions and facts on a number of occassions. I hope he will be of help and inspiration to you and your family as well. I wish you the best.
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), May 01, 2001.
Yes, Karen, many of us know precisely what you mean. There are many many people who unfortunately never post anymore because they have gotten criticized for relating their own experience/considered opinion. Please do not join them; speak your mind, but be sure to first get a good virus protection and firewall! There are some screwballs who have messed up contributors' computers very badly. I don't hang around as much as I used to either, but will be damned if I'll let a handful of disturbed individuals shut me up.You did nothing wrong...
-- Earthmama (earthmama48@yahoo.com), May 01, 2001.
Kevin -Glad there is at least a little time for you now! You and your wife are in my thoughts, and I will pray for a very happy ending to this for you!!
PS: Somebody mentioned Cumberland Realty... Really great company - helped several folks I know get settled.
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), May 01, 2001.
Karen, don't let it get to you. All any of us can do is share our experiences here. You didn't do anything wrong that I can see. Sorry you got so much bad e-mail. Been there, done that, survived it and can tell you hold firm to what you believe and don't let people run you off. Kevin, I also will keep you and your family in my prayers. As one who has dealt with the DSS (department of social services) here in Michigan, I would encourage you to listen to Karen. I would suggest you look into a self contained camper trailer. Around here they run from $400 to whatever and you can sell it when you are done with it. IMHO it would be well worth the investment to just know that you were "within the law". Blessings
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), May 01, 2001.
Hello Kevin, If you are having financial problems now...you will have a worst time of it when you relocate. If I was you I would make amends with "the folks" and stick it out until you are financially able to relocate in a planned and orderly manner. I question the part about not being able to secure a loan at home but, you are looking to relocate to a piece of property that you will have to get a loan to secure there. One of the first requirements I had before I moved to the country was to be debt free, period. It has paid off for my family and me as we have experienced some very hard times already with the lack of work opportunity here in the Ozarks. Fortunately, all we needed was the little bit that I earned doing handyman work and supplementing with selling crafts of Ebay. Another issue that concerns my feelings about you is the fact that you are willing to let your family live in a van or car until you build your house. That is not a good way to start out either. Meli and I have lived in our 21 foot camper for over a year. Situations delay construction....money, time, weather to mention a few. Certainly you can not even concieve of the problems that will arises during those uncertain times. You can not possibly consider living in a van or car as an option. Several people have mention that I could possibly help you with advise or encouragement as to help you in some way. My advise to you is as I said in the beginning. Make amends with "the folks" until you are financially prepared to make your move to the country. Sincerely, Ernest
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), May 01, 2001.
Kevin, I hope you are able to secure financing on a new place for your family. You mentioned in your origional thread that you had been 1 week late on each of your land payments to your Parents for the last 8 months, please keep in mind if you are a week behind for 8 months on your payments to a mortage company they may also Repo your property. Late payments look very bad on your credit report, so be sure to pay all your bills before the due date.I have seen children brought up in places a lot worst than a Travel Trailer. Some people raise children in large Homes in an Exclusive neighberhood, but the children often have no family life because the parents must work 60 - 80 hours a week to keep up on the mortage payments on the fancy House and luxry Cars. I think loving parents can raise a happy and healthy child in a horse stall.
Good Luck!!! I hope you find Great Sucsess in finding a New Homestead!!!
-- Mark in N.C. Florida (deadgoatman@webtv.net), May 01, 2001.
Hi, check out these websites for properties in East Tennessee, you can find the type of property you described in East Tennessee. www.greenevillesun.com/ www.wjcw.com www.starhq.com www.johnsoncitypress.com
-- Mary in East TN (barnwood@preferred.com), May 06, 2001.