Hey there, everyone!!! Finally back on linegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, we're finally settled in after the move, and hopefully, I've got this darned computer fixed. Haven't been able to get on line for 4 weeks or more and for weeks I thought it was the local server, but after trying and trying, I discovered it was my modem. Guess the move was too rough on it and it bit the dust! Got to know the guys at the local computer store. Although when they saw me coming in the front door, they'd run to the back of the store! hee hee The move was pretty uneventful, (looked for ya Cindy when we went through Ky.). Couldn't get the dogs out of their cages at rest stops, they were scared to death. They'd never been off the hill and this was quite an adventure for them, but they're finally coming around to their new surroundings. We're temporarily living in town and I'm having huge withdrawls from the country life. Neighbors are soooooo close and I need window blinds it seems like everywhere! We do have really nice neighbors, but I'm so use to going outside and being alone (and loving it), I don't think I could ever get use to this lifestyle, ya just can't take the girl out of the country. Hubby says I'm a hermit! I did start a garden at my sisters. Felt so good to get out in the country and work in the garden. I think I could have hoed it all instead of using a tiller!!! Went through our first tornado warning of the season a few eeks ago. Yikes! I've never seen clouds move so fast. Boy, did I miss the mountains that night. Still have to go home and put the old house up for sale, sigh, but other than that we're still plugging on. Hope time will get me over this homesickness I just can't seem to shed. Looks like the forum has been pretty busy. Will be spending alot of time catching up on what's been going on. I've missed you all and hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the warmer weather.
-- Anne (mistletoe@kconline.com), May 01, 2001
Welcome back Anne,,are you permanently in town now? I can understand how you must be having withdrawal symptoms after living the country life. I hope all goes well,,,see you later on the Forum
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), May 01, 2001.
Well, there you are girlie! I've been lookin for that "mistletoe" email. It's good to have you back, you need us to keep your mind from going bonkers in the city! Kiss those computers guys for me for fixin your computer!I've been going bonkers myself the last 5 days, my whole web site is down, people emailing every day to see pics of my pups for sale, and I've been having to insert them in emails, AFTER taking the time to make the pages and send them up, then "POOF!", they are gone. My son owns the domain I have a sub-domain on, and he didn't take care of keeping it there. I've been lookin for a site to put it back up on, eyes going buggy, wanna get outside and just plain old mow for a while and not think about anything.
I have a showing this morning, and I'm not gonna bust my butt over it either. Everyone they bring up here to look at the farm can't even qualify for this amount. I got on the realtor a wee little bit yesterday over that, making me clean and clean, and then thinkin I'm gonna take some cheesy offer. Post your farm on here for sale, everyone else is doing it. No one cares, we love you.
Somehow, I started sayin "GEEEZE" now all the time. It's my new word. I think I got it from Vicki in TX, he he. It feels good to say it. How many chickens did you loose on the freeway? I was lookin for a big cloud of feathers goin north. Poor puppies, I don't like the freeway either, and none of my dogs have ever been on a trip like that either. Mine go balistic when a car comes up the road. Hey, maybe you can just move in with your sister.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@msn.com), May 01, 2001.