Welcome to 15shillings!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : 15shillings : One Thread

Day 1 of 15shillings... What do you think?

-- Jeremy (jdwatson@widomaker.com), April 30, 2001


Of course I like it! I'm a staff member that's getting credit and hasn't done one iota of work to date.

But seriously. I really do like it. As usual, you have outdone yourself. And I love knowing that I'm the first to post a response on here.

-- Treva (SunshineTreva@excite.com), May 01, 2001.

It looks awesome!! i'm usually not very fond of change, but i really love what you've done. And i'm not just saying that coz i'm a member of your writing staff.

-- Christine "Car" (crgamache@excite.com), May 04, 2001.

Hi! I'm here. How are you? I have to say that I like this better. I always had a little trouble figuring out what everything was on the old one.

-- The Archangel Mikey G. (mgamache@cnu.edu), May 04, 2001.

Well... honestly, I kinda liked the house of... a lot better. Of course, 15 shillings has yet to be put to the test, really... but as of yet I prefer the personal site dealy to the 'zine dealy. Ah well. I takes what I gets.

-- J'sang'spar (jsangspar@crosswinds.net), May 04, 2001.

Honesty. How cool is that? I like it. Of course, I like 15shillings too. Mostly because all of us slackers can share the weight of holding down a webpage. And I like green better than burgundy. Deep, eh?

But, if you like the personal page dealy, you are welcome to come on over to mine. http://users.cnu.edu/~sgates

Yes, I'm a complete web traffic whore. So sue me.

-- Sarah (sgates@cnu.edu), May 05, 2001.


You're sued. My attorney wil be calling you shortly.


-- The Great Sanfordini (csanford@cnu.edu), May 09, 2001.

Sarah, this is Johnny Cochrane writing on behalf of the Great Sandfordini. We are quite upset at your blatant advertising on 15 shillings. We would subpeana you, but that would require knowing your address in New Jersey. So please cease and desist all advertising. From now on, you may not even tell people your name, as that would clue them in as to your website. Thank you.

-- The Archangel Johnny Cochrane (Cochrane@cnu.edu), May 20, 2001.

Dude... 15 Shillings rocks my world! I officially changed my name to 15 Shillings and had the 15 Shillings logo tatooed onto my arse!!! Rock on!!!!

I do beleive that the site would be better if it were updated more... but it still rocks my world...

-- 15 Shillings (anon@anon.com), May 23, 2001.

It would be much better if it had something about Cerise Herringbone in it. ;)

-- Boojum (thesnarkwasaboojum@angelfire.com), September 06, 2001.

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