Good informative book about our President-Reject : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"He was a poor student who somehow got into the finest schools. He was a National Guardsman who somehow missed a year of service. He was a failed businessman who somehow was made rich. He was a minority investor who somehow was made managing partner of the Texas Rangers. He was a defeated politician who somehow was made governor. You can hardly blame him for expecting to inherit the White House. "Is Our Children Learning?" examines the public life and public record of George W. Bush and reveals him for who he is: a man who presents the thinnest, weakest, least impressive record in public life of any major party nominee this century; a man who at every critical juncture has been propelled upward by the forces of wealth, privilege, status, and special interests who use his family's name for their private gain."

-- (the people @ deserve. better), April 29, 2001


How did the worst possible example of how to achieve success by hard work and integrity attain the office of the most powerful man in the world?

Are we powerless to stop corporations that machinate the rise to power of their perfect idiot, who happily assists them in destroying our right to live free and healthy, so that they can become even more wealthy and powerful?

How did we let this happen? Will the people ever wake up?

-- (he's not @ my. idiot), April 29, 2001.

Will you ever get on with your life?

-- (will@you.will you), April 29, 2001.

just anuther typical repug scumbucket. Attack the mesenger so you can ignore the mesage.

-- Not your idiot (you@the.idiot), April 29, 2001.

"Will you ever get on with your life?"

I'm trying, but Dumbya threatens it with every decision he makes.

-- (the dreams of an idiot @ will become. our worst nightmare), April 29, 2001.

Get this through your Clinton cock loving thick skulls repugs -- We will NEVER get over it!! How dare you admit that you support a dumbass that was not elected to office. You should be ashamed but oh I forgot, you are back stabbing, thieving repugs. Right wing dickheads!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, April 30, 2001.

You got it Tony, the reason these repugs are so ignorant is because they are incredibly fucking stupid.

Where's that Nazi J-boy? I'm sure he will be upset that some people don't worship his hero the moron. He thinks he can force people to like him by crying to the jack-booted thugs like some Nazi ass-kisser!

Last time I checked it was still a free country, and if these idiot bastards think they can just walk all over us they've got another thing coming. They will inherit the earth, SIX FEET DEEP!


-- conservatives are worthless shits (, April 30, 2001.

Tanks to shit thair are sum smart peepul like yu guys. Lets have a meet. Lets get da ball rollin on killing dumbya, scumbag NWO fascist. Yeeeha!

-- (Dumpin@Dumbya.dumpster), April 30, 2001.


You sound like a redneck conservative, you sure you want to kill Dumbya after you just voted for him?

Yeh, guess yer mad cuz ya dint git yer big $86 tax cut yet, eh? Well, jest you member now, dem demcrats'll try ta take yer guns 'way from yuh!

-- yeehah (ignorance@is.bliss), April 30, 2001.

Well, you dickless fucking losers seem to have this thread all to your worthless selves so I’ll run along and let you suck each other off.


-- More (liberal@jack.offs), April 30, 2001.

Again, another example of a stupid fucking repug. How in the world can you suck off a dickless person? If you repugs had brains you would be dangerous but then if you had brains that moron Bush would not be head repug.

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, April 30, 2001.


Yu are my hero. I hate them thar repugs and I'm thinkin we should assinate their asses. Yu game? Yu gamey?

-- (Dumpin@Dubya.dumpster), April 30, 2001.

Might be a good idea for yall to teach your idiot Democratic brethren how to properly fill out a ballot.

You created your own problems and have no one to blame but yourselves........


-- Deano (, April 30, 2001.

No Deano, you have it wrong.

The GOP hired a private corporation to "purge" voter roles in Florida of perfectly legal voters, condemning them as "felons" when in fact they had committed nothing worse than misdemeanors, as in the case of El Shrubo and our real mastermind, Dickhead Cheney.

Yep, those people in Florida had committed crimes no worse than our corporate goons in the White House. Yet they had their voting privileges illegally stripped from them, just like in a third-world state.

And now we've had our Fourth Amendment rights stripped from us as well. Maybe next week you'll be stopped for no reason by some goon cop and stripped and searched and handcuffed and carted off to jail for no reason.

Yes Deano, YOUR GOP-sponsored justices installed a strongman in office and took away one of our most precious rights.

So go to hell, Deano, and take your fascist-state ignorance with you. You epitomize the blind idiocy of this country in the wake of a full- blown coup d'etat and institution of a new police state.

-- Get a fuckin' clue (, April 30, 2001.

Yo 'get a fuckin clue'

Take your own advice shithead. If your fellow party members had half a brain between them, there would have been no problems.

Fascist state?? Jesus Christ, what a moron.......God help you boy.


-- Deano (, April 30, 2001.

Deano - man do you have your head stuck way UP in your ass! Your adherence to your stupid GOP fascist right wing CRAP extols what you repugs are. Fucking dumbasses, just like Georgie. I hope you choke on his shit because we sure are! Poor little follower Deano. Why not do us all a favor and just kill yourself?

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, April 30, 2001.

See what I mean? Tony, you illustrate my point PERFECTLY. Thanks dude!! Howzit go?? Once a loser, always a loser. Looks like there's no hope for you and your ilk.

I see you have found the other half of the brain. Next step it learning to use it. I wish you luck as I see you'll need it badly.

Now, be a good boy and leave the adults alone.


-- Deano (, April 30, 2001.

Deano -- just what the hell does that mean anyway? Once a loser always a loser? Your poor neurons are all fired out dumbass. Eat shit and die you fucking repug wannabe.

-- Tony Baloney (Bite, April 30, 2001.


Don't waste your time with Deano, he is as harmless as a pansy. He has a fascination with baseball player's butts, so he's too busy drooling to be a threat to our freedom.

-- conservatives are worthless shits (, April 30, 2001. that light I will quit communicating with Deano, right after I get finished puking! bwaaahaaaa bwaaahaaaa!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, April 30, 2001.

Tony Baloney,

Blow me

-- (BoneyMaroney@BU.reunion), April 30, 2001.

Tony - reading comprehension is vital if you want to become someone in our society. If you can't read, you may screw up at the polls. I know, I know, been there done that, huh. Hang in the lil' buddy, you'll get it one day.

"Once a loser, always a loser" is about as simple as it gets my friend. I honestly assumed you would get it. My mistake. But you do illustrate my point perfectly once again.

Leave it to some pussy anon to knock someone who spends countless hours on the ballfield with a bunch of great kids. Sad someone didn't take that time with you.

Other than masturbate and froth at the mouth, what do you do with your free time??


-- Deano (, May 01, 2001.

Paul Begala has written several books on politics. I haven't yet read any of them, but [in general], I like Begala as a political pundit in that he has an ability to keep his cool while some of the other pundits in a discussion actually have veins popping out in their anger. He's definitely a progressive [and so am I], but I'd like to read a few of his books before I comment on his research skills.

-- Anita (, May 01, 2001.

I realize alot of *us* arent saying it, but geez there are alot of trolls on this board lately.

Makes ya wish they'd of kept the stinkbomb board up. ya know?

-- sumer (shh@dont.tell), May 01, 2001.

I know what you mean sumer. There are a lot of disgusting repug trolls on this board. (makes for a lot of fun!)

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, May 01, 2001.

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