can I raise ducks in with chix excluding the obvious water : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have new chix and ducks they (the feed store) had me buy duck and chix food is this a must or was it a sales approach by them. should I feed and keep them seperate or can ducks eat chix food for the first weeks or should I keep them apart and feed ducks their own food? until It's time to let them outside to eat bugs etc.
-- carolyn bleske (, April 29, 2001
Your chick feed is probably medicated. I don't think you are supposed to feed ducks or geese medicated feed or it will kill them.
-- Wendy (, April 29, 2001.
I have been raising my chicks and ducks together for several years. I have had no problems. I feed them both chick starter until the ducks get old enough to eat my grain-soybean meal mixture. My ducks and chicks and guineas all live in the coop and free range all day. They return to the coop at night and I shut their door for saftey. I have had no problems with this method. Hope this helps!!
-- cowgirlone (, April 29, 2001.
I feed all my birds chick starter and grower feed and never had a problem,that includes turkey, pheasant,and quail.Daryll
-- Daryll (, April 29, 2001.
I've always heard that medicated feed was bad, fatal even, for ducks. If your feed is unmedicated, the ducks should be okay.
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, April 30, 2001.
I've also heard that you shouldn't feed medicated chick feed to ducks -- though the unmedicated is fine.
-- Michael Nuckols (, May 01, 2001.
I've been feeding medicated chick starter to all my ducks, geese, chicks and turkeys the past 3 years and never had a problem. I have them all together and they all get along fine. Yes, the ducks will make a mess with their water. I have 2 eight week old indian runners that think they are chickens and refuse to go in the pond. They are going thru a serious identity crisis I think! :-)
-- Kent in WA (, May 02, 2001.
Carolyn,have Jack build you two seperate pens but be sure you havehim put a big fence around them or that big fox {Billy} will be a gittum !!!!!! ha ha ha he did mine.
your nephew Brian
-- Brian Bleske (, February 21, 2002.