Canning broccoli and cabbage? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We don't have electricity and will shortly have no access to a freezer. I was wondering if anyone has tried canning broccoli or cabbage?? In my canning books they say that it is not recommended because of an increase in strong taste. We put up our years supply of vegies and don't know how to put up these two items now. Have you tried it? Thanks for the help.

-- Carol Kumher (, April 28, 2001


I'd try drying the broccoli & root cellar the cabbage. Good Luck! DW

-- DW (, April 29, 2001.

Dryed broccoli isn't to bad. I have used it in a variety of cassroles etc. Cabbage root cellars very well. You could make sourkraut also with the cabbage and can that. I sure wouldn't like either veggie canned, that's probably why the books all don't recommend it.

-- diane (, April 29, 2001.

The broccoli is not too good canned, tried it in some vegetable soup once (canned the soup and all) and it became very strong tasting and overpowering. My mom always canned cabbage, I have never seen it in any books for the official timing, but the way she did it was to chop in fairly large pieces, put in jars add 1 ts. salt , fill with hot water and pressure can (10 lbs) for 40 minutes. It does not taste bad at all and is great for soup, and cabbage with corned beef (which I don't care for, but the canned product is suitable for). I would really like to know what the USDA reccommends for a safe product, even if they don't feel it is a desirable item to process by home- canning, but I've never found anyone who knows. Maybe if anyone has run across this information they can post it.

-- Melissa (, April 30, 2001.

I have a Kerr book that says you can can cabbage in water bath for 120 minutes or 35 minutes at 10 lbs. pressure. And water bath broccoli for 150 minutes or 35 minutes at 10 lbs pressure.


-- Lisa (, September 02, 2001.

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