Introducing myself (Interested in land in Eastern TN) (Land) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, everyone. My name is Ruth, and I am one of those who has been enjoying this site, but not stepped out and participated...until tonight. I found this site several months ago when researching the possibility of buying property. Well, the opportunity to move out of the city has not opened, but I'm still praying it will, and I keep coming back here to keep the dream alive.I use to have a small "farm" in the San Fernando Valley, just a stone's throw from LA. It was actually just a double-deep backyard, but we had rabbits, chickens, ducks, a goat and a garden. I can remember the one meal we had where everything on the table was either home-grown or at least homemade!! And we raised a turkey one year that was so large that I had to use the bathtub to scald him.
I've been in Denver, Colorado for the past 20 years. It's gotten to be as bad as LA was. I can't even think of buying property here: the prices are sky-high, and there is no water for what I want to do. So, I'm thinking of Tennessee. Anyone here from the eastern part of that state?
Looking forward to being able to "report from the farm" soon, Lord willing. - Ruth
-- Ruth Elaine Quinlan (, April 27, 2001
Welcome Ruth. Feel free to ask us anything. If we don't know the answer we'll make one up
-- grant (, April 27, 2001.
Hi Ruth !There are always a lot of great sounding properties advertised in the Countryside magazine. I read them and drool. We live on 5 beautiful acres here in California near Yosemite Natl Park and we would love to be able to afford a large parcel. But, you know California prices and property taxes ! Anyway, maybe you should take a trip to Tenn before you set your heart on it. Best of luck to you.
-- cindy (, April 28, 2001.
I have a great website for land..It's I would say to buy a sample copy because you will find more then what's listed online.
-- Lisa-Zion,IL (, April 28, 2001.
Hello Ruth. Check out they list several properties in E TN. There are also a few regular posters from E TN, I think. Jack
-- jack (, April 29, 2001.
Hi Ruth, I also once lived in the San Fernando Valley, so I know what you mean. I also had illegal chickens in Chatsworth but that is another story.I moved to East Tennessee about ten years ago and have never been happier with a location. The towns are just large enough to provide you with all the shopping you will ever need, and the rural areas are incredibly beautiful with rolling hills and mountains. The winters are not nearly as wet as it gets in Denver on the eastern slope. There is worse weather on the other side of the Appalachians in North Carolina.
Land here ranges from $500 an acre and up. Closer to the cities is naturally more money. I would suggest writing to the Chamber of Commerces in various towns that you may be interested in which you have looked up on a map. They will send you all the information you need to start looking. We are considering selling our 12 acre farm and moving to a more rural area around Tazewell, TN. If you type that into a search engine on the Internet, you will find lots of information. Good luck, and I'm sure you will find East Tennessee a wonderful place to live, as I did.
-- Mary in East TN (, April 30, 2001.
Welcome Ruth. I agree with checking out United Country. We did before we found something on our own. This forun truly helps to keep dreams alive.
-- Cordy (, April 30, 2001.
Hi Ruth -Don't live in TN, but I know what you mean about the cities!! Welcome to the forum, and best of luck on the (hopeful) move!!
-- Sue Diederich (, April 30, 2001.
I live in Roane County, about 30 minutes west of Knoxville, I have seen land priced anywhere from $800 an acre to over $21,000 for a city lot on the river.Land is slowly going up here, with Knoxville and Oak Ridge growing the way they are. Still good deals to be found, and if you have to work, jobs are available, not just part time super store stuff.
And check out some of these web sites -- county web site -- Roane County News -- Knoxville News
-- Eric in TN (, April 30, 2001.
I have never posted but have been lurking for a few days. I live right outside of Knoxville, (between Knoxville and Oak Ridge), where the farms are all being sold off for subdivisions as the original homeowners are dying off. Not much farm land left in our part of East Tn.
-- Abbie Proffitt (, May 04, 2001.