Homestead in ND not hoax! E-mail Problem! All better! (Land) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am so sorry everybody. We had trouble getting our e-mails but it is all fixed now.To answer some of the questions: Yes I did say $22,000. not a typo.
There are 2 fireplaces.
The house is very livable! We are in it now, the few things that still need doing are things that can be done at leisure.
We have a good well, although somewhat hard.
We cannot finance, if we do have to move we will need the money to relocate. But our bank seems pretty easy to work with.
The place is about an hour and a half straight west of grand Forks and about 45 minutes south East of Devils Lake.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask and this time I will get right back to you! Thank you all for your patiance!!!!
-- Marie (, April 26, 2001