Missouri Ozarks Hobby Farm for Sale (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Missouri Ozarks Hobby Farm for sale in Ava, home of the world headquarters of the Missouri Fox Trotters! 4-Bedrooms, 2-Baths, 18.5-acres, paved access, 5 minutes to town. 45 minutes to Springfield or Branson, and area lakes. See it online at: http://www.missourifarmforsale.com Email cjtinkle@getgoin.net or call 417-683-9428
-- CJ Tinkle (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), April 26, 2001
Got tears in my eyes - its wonderful!!! I wish you all the best on the sale, wish I could take it off your hands.... Last year this time it would have been..........
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), April 26, 2001.