We closed on our land! (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just an update... Closed on our land on Tuesday at 4pm. YEA! We are officially land owners!We will be going to primitive camp on the new land this weekend so we can hike it all, and start the planning process. I am so excited I am think I'll just bust!
I KNOW I will have a million questions when I get home Sunday. You all better watch out! Ha!
-- Kelly longing to live in the woods... (kmyers01@commkey.net), April 26, 2001
I remember those exciting days before all the work set in .Take pictures every step of the way to look back on .It helps you realize how far you have come .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), April 26, 2001.
Hey wow Kelly.....so exciting. By all means take lots of pictures. We have one of the overgrown gate leading into our property before we ever cut a piece of brush. I am so glad that I have that now. We bought a piece of property that had been neglected totally for many years which was both a good and a bad thing. Have fun and remember...life is a journey and enjoy the process!!!!
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), April 26, 2001.
Definitely take pictures! We took some when we first looked at our place, but got lax as time went on and didn't take more as the place progressed. When hubby gets discouraged at things not being as nice or finished as he would like, I show him how it looked when we started--sometimes hard to remember all we've done here when there is still a long list of "want to do's"! Congratulations! Jan
-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), April 26, 2001.
How exciting! Best of luck to you!
-- amy (acook@in4web.com), April 26, 2001.
Congratulations! now the thing is to get on the land as soon as possible and make it home!
-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), April 26, 2001.
Congratulations!!!! Every time I hear about somebody buying, closing, building, I get sympathy jitters!! (Whole lot better than sympathy pains, lol!)I can't wait to hear all about it -
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), April 26, 2001.
Take the survey you received at closing and have it blown up (or do it on your work copier) as big as possible-11 X 14 if possible. Make a bunch of copies. Take a couple and a clipboard with you this weekend and draw onto it everything you can- the buildings, if any should be on already. Is there a stream? A wet spot? A pond? Stand of trees for firewood, or old orchard? A hill? Raspberry bushes? Where does the sun come up and go down? Where can you see neighbors? Is there a driveway? Powerlines? Septic? Well?Also, this is a good time to locate the stakes the surveyor put in so you know the exact corners of your land.
If you do this you will have a much better idea of where to plant your dreams, especially when you come back home and are not sure where something was... Best of luck!
-- seraphima (djones@kodiak.alaska.edu), April 26, 2001.
Thank you all for the warm welcome I recieved earlier in the week and for all the "congrats"!Believe me, I will be taking the camera for those every step of the way pictures, alrady started a journal/scrapbook, and seraphima, thank you so much for the idea of using copies of our survey! I will be off to the printers in the morning so I can have several copies blown up!
Thank you all again and I am sure to be reporting back after the weekend to let you all know that I survived primitive camping and how wonderful the land is!
-- Kelly longing to live in the woods... (kmyers01@commkey.net), April 26, 2001.
Take a sack of Quikrete with you. when you locate those surveyed corners, dig a small but deep hole and fill with the prepared concrete. You will have a permanent marker for future reference when the fence building begins. Congratulations and keep us informed.
-- Eve in FL (owenall@lwol.com), April 27, 2001.
congratulations Kelly. How exciting. It is so much fun to be embarking on this adventure. Keep a journal of your ideas and thoughts as you go over your land so that when you start planning where the money will go you can have a prioritized list. We've been on our property for eight years and we still keep a list of the big projects and a separate list of the small projects and try to keep chipping away at them. We make it a goal to do at least one big expensive project in the winter to the house improvements when we aren't so busy working outside with the gardens. This helps to pass the winter season and prevents us from neglecting the house which we tend to do because we sometimes focus too much on the gardens and outbuildings. We, too, have taken pictures of before and after to keep us feeling like we are making progress. This year redoing the kitchen was our big winter project. I can't believe what a shot in the arm that was to both of us. We repainted walls, ceiling and cupboards and replaced the refrigerator and stove as well as the floor tile. We kept the cost under $2,000 because hubby did all the work but I tell you the project is worth ten times that to us because of the happiness boost it gave us. We can't get over how important having a pretty and functional kitchen was to us. We just smile every time we go into that room. We both wish we had done it the first year we moved here but we had thought it would be more expensive so we didn't do it. I just got tired of looking at the old kitchen and decided that if we kept the old cupboards and just painted them it would be a lot cheaper. So that is what we did. We replaced the ceiling fan/light and the range hood as well. Hubby even changed all of the electrical outlets and light switches to white because of the change in wall paint. We then changed all of the cover plates to brass as well as the floor grates. What a differece. The kitchen looks brand new. So when prioritizing your jobs, give some thought to what will please you the most if it gets done first even if it is something as frivolous as getting the swimming pool set up. You have to have some pleasure items as well as some work ones completed. Good luck and keep us posted.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), May 02, 2001.