Strawberry Bins/ : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am still in quest of the strawberry garden. I saw an interesting idea in Gardener's Supply Co. catalog and I am interested in other's input. They have what is listed as a strawberry bin, that looks similar in concept to the potato bins they used to sell; bolt together tough black plastic material with holes in the sides that you put the plants through. THey say 50 plants per bin in a 13" diameter tower, 30" high.In zone 3, I have a feeling that this is asking a BIT much of winter hardiness! I have been playing with the idea of the shrub 'jackets' sold in the fall to wrap over vulnerable shrubs and such that is touted to raise the winter hardiness a full zone. It is tempting to try this for the sake of space utilization, and they are recommending 'Tristar' for it, which Jung's also recommends as a good cultivar for most of Wisconsin.
Any input from other northerners?
-- julie f. (, April 24, 2001
Dont live in the north but bought the bins for my 6 year old son[ he loves strawberrys]. The bins are the same as the kind you buy at hardware store for 12 dollars and you have to cut it your self[ for the extra 5 bucks your paying you would think they would at least cut it]. I just put up one to start, you have to use straw to line it with or dirt falls right out holes, then you make a hole in straw for berrys. I wouldnt plant bottom row or top two rows as bottom holds a lot of moisture and top drys out quick. Dosnt use as much birt as I was afraid it would luckly. When you cut out two bins you have a thin extra one left which if you planted on a saucer you could move it indoors on the winter.
-- kathy h (, April 24, 2001.
hi i don't live in the north but this is what my strawberries are planted in. they are in old recycled dryer drums. I filled them with dirt planted 10 to 15 plants put straw on them to cover this winter and they made it just fine.
-- myra gail akins (, April 24, 2001.