tmpge - mp2, mpg - file format can not open or unsupported error : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I finally sorted the audio /video synch problem with my radeon AIW. Started from fresh Windows 98 with the drivers & MMC that came with the card and I can now capture high bitrate at 480x576 without frame drop. I'm now re-installing everything and trying to put one of my newly captured MP2 files through Tmpge to encode to SVCD profile. I load the SVCD profile but when I attempt to open my capture file to convert - MP2 or MPG im getting aa "file format can not open or unsupported" error. When I first started attempting this before the reload, when the Radeon wasn't performing correctly, I could open MP2 files in Tmpgne. Now since reload I can't ! It may be a silly little thing but why won't they open for rendering ?

-- ben basford (, April 23, 2001


Can yu tell me where i can get the file format of .mpg files pl.? I need it for one of my assignments that i need to submit during my study of higher degree programme.

-- Sriram (, September 21, 2001.

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