pictures pages (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
O.K. I've tried to get to the pictures page but just keep getting a Hmmmm we can't find the page you are looking for. I type in and nothing. Did you all move?
-- michelle (, April 22, 2001
you have to erase the w.w.w. put after http: then it should work
-- myra gail akins (, April 22, 2001.
I cannot pull up the picture page also?
-- Mary (, April 22, 2001.
Hi Myria I tired it and they said I need to sign up for a passport. So I did and still nothing. Says the page cannot be found.
-- michelle (, April 22, 2001. .I'm not sure if this is the same addy you where using.You need a passport or a hotmail account.Then you need to sign up for membership .Tell me a little about yourself when you do .I check as often as I can to see if anyone new has applied .Or you can email at the addy below.MSN sometimes has problems ,so try again.
-- Patty {NY State} (, April 22, 2001.
I have a hotmail account, but even I could not access the pictures page. I sure wanted to. I would have had a dandy time seeing all those goats, chickens, rabbits etc you country people are priveleged to have around you. I have a dog, live in a city and have people about twelve feet away. I have only a small yard 20 ft sq, but I enjoy that piece of outdoors every bit as much as you enjoy your country life. One day I will join you. Eileen
-- Eileen Carman (, April 22, 2001.
Eileen: We'd love to see you, your dog, and your yard. So signup and show us your homesteader heart!....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, April 23, 2001.