Looking for cheap mobile home/ moblie home lot / or land/fixer upper home (in the JAX, FL area) (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello out there ,I live and work in the Jacksonville,Fl area, I seemed to have gotten myself in a pickle, unless I find something cheap quick, I will be another homeless person, can you help?I will be willing to work for the land/home, as well as pay what I can. I am a excellant care giver,cook, housekeeper, companion.
-- Dj Scott (Djez2love@yahoo.com), April 22, 2001
Dj Scott, I need some help on two acres. Not looking too much for a Care Giver, though Cook and homekeeper might be nice. Looking also for a person to help big time in the yard. I am talking digging and planting. Sleep arrangements might not be a Grandeur envision, but I can cook. though not like your Mama. And if it ever enters anyone's head to think I am an old person, about to be bilked out of money by offering a hand, You better think again, there is no money excess, just a helping hand, and a bowl of grain.
-- My Story and I (am@stickingtoit.com), April 28, 2001.