Year of the Dragon special edition Leica M6TTL : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Leica issued 500 special edition Dragon 2000 M6TTL camera for year 2000 ( year of the dragon )

There is a Dragon 2000 at the camera back.

-- martin tai (, April 20, 2001


Youse can see it better here

Begs the bloody question though: What's the bloody point?

-- Erik X (, April 20, 2001.

Konica also has a new HEXAR RF special edition, with Hexanon 50mm f1.2 lens

-- martin tai (, April 20, 2001.

AFAIK, Leica is the only camera company paid attention to eastern folk tradition of lunar zodiac; there was a year of the rooster Leica M before, this Dragon 2000 M6 is the second.

Canada Post Corporation has done a brisk business of issuing lunar zodiac stamps, first day covers, even 2'x2' size posters.

Royal Canadian Mint also jumps in the bandwagon, issuing year of the rabit, tiger, dragon coils, selling like hot cakes.

It is a good business, by paying attention to regional folk traditions.

-- martin tai (, April 20, 2001.

Your ironic sense of humour is much appreciated :)

-- Erik X (, April 21, 2001.

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