Tutor Neededgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
I am looking for a college-age or high school junior or senior to tutor my 7 year old daughter 2 hours per day twice a week. She needs some first grade review and to get a head start on second grade. She attends a small private school in Darnestown and we will be using their curriculum or one I put together myself. She has a slight language learning disability, but is very enthusiastic about school and learning in general. The pay is $25 per hour.Please email me back if you know of anyone who might be interested.
Liz Notter
-- Liz Notter (liz@notterfamily.com), April 20, 2001
Liz- We have a wonderful tutor. She does not fit your specs (age & $) however, I pass her name along anyway. Her name is Shari Perry, certified teacher of K-12 including special education. We met her when she taught the LD english class at Ridgeview. She is home now with her small children. She tutors my 5th grader in reading/written expression and my 8th grader in math. She is really terrific. Her phone number is 301-738-3732.
-- Sue Vest (oddux@erols.com), April 22, 2001.
Hi Liz, My name is Prashant Billore and I have done Masters in Mathematics and computer science. I am experienced in teching Math students. And would love to help your daughter. I am a very patient person and have the capability and compassion to deal with disabilities.Thanks Prashant (650-938-7088)
-- Prashant Billore (pbillore@yahoo.com), August 08, 2001.