Thoughts for week 4/20-44/26 : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Hope you're all well, the weather is still on a roller coaster ride here. Getting some much needed rain the next few days, but oh how hard it'll be to cut the grass. Cabbage isn't doing well, but the rest is, I did replant the peas since most didn't come up. Still plenty of time for those. Potatoes are poking their little heads throgh the soil. We have 4 new kittens, they're doing well. God Bless you.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, April 20, 2001


It's been really nice here for the past few days. The garden is coming in just beautifully, thanks to Melina B reminding me of Neem oil, my six little kittens are perhaps the cutest things on earth, and I finally mowed down a bunch of weeds and my wildflowers...sad about the wild flowers, though. I am getting a load of posts tomorrow and fencing in the back of the property with electric. That will be some good exercise! The dewberries are starting to set fruit and the wild plums are doing the same. So far, so good! God bless!

-- Doreen (, April 20, 2001.

Busy here, painting, cleaning, packing. Thinking I'm getting too old for moves;)

-- mary, texas (, April 21, 2001.

Well, it finally dried up enough to plant, but I still don't have a garden in. I've been doing laundry, and since I wash by hand this takes quite a while. We have swarms of kittens, and swarms of puppies and more of each on the way. My baby chicks are doing well. They are just about fully feathered now. After I bought chicks, my incubator decided to work better and I've hatched a few chicks, although some of them had deformities and died. The flowers are just about over here, except for the crimson clover that is beginning to bloom along side the roads. The car is going to have to go to the shop. We cannot fix it. Bah, humbug. My youngest doesn't hate his job at the grocery as much as he used to, so life is looking up some on that count. However, I still did not win the lottery. And after I'd already figured out how to spend all that money, too!! LOL Mostly on land and new vehicles. I've decided that if I ever did win the lottery, I'd put most of it into acreage with water. I believe that would be more valuable than all the gold, silver, and stock options you could come up with. Doubt I ever get the chance to find out though. Oh, well, where else can you buy hope for the price of a $1 ticket? Such is life.

-- Green (, April 22, 2001.

Weather is beginning to warm back up here some - was in the upper 70's today, hurray! My snow peas haven't come up yet either, thinking about replanting. The taters aren't up yet either. Larry and I worked all day yesterday on the raised beds. We have 6 now each is 5' by 10' and filled with the best compost compliments of our cows. We are hoping for a great garden this year. Larry also plowed up an area behind the house of about 100' by 150' which we will plant in corn, squash, and pole beans. Larry is off work on vacation the next two weeks so I have a feeling he'll keep me busy outside working and I won't have much computer time! We need rain desperately. We've only had about 1/2 inch so far this month and we were already dry. All you folks with too much, please send some to Ky.! Green, I hope you don't take offense, I mean none, but you can get HOPE for free from our Heavenly Father.

-- Barb (, April 22, 2001.

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