Missouri ozark farm for sale (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm going to be moving back to Texas(for personal reasons)and I need to sell my farm here in the ozarks. The area I'm in is called the scenic riverways...and there are some beautiful rivers and streams with old mills all over this area. I'm located between Mountain View and West Plains. My homestead is 16 acres(m or l). It is mostly wooded but has a nice meadow. The woods are a combination of oak,pine, hickory, cherry and beautiful dogwood. The land lays nice....not steep at all but drains well. There is a small pond(needs to be sealed...in other words put a few pigs in it). The house is in need of some finish work that any handyman ought to be able to do. Many of the building materials needed are included with the house. The house is about 2500 sq ft(I'm guessing but I think it is close). 3 bedroom 2 bath. Large roofed over back porch. Nice big above ground pool with deck. Well built tool shed and chicken coop. I'll throw in 11 hens and 5 rabbits :o). There are a few other out buildings that need some work. Nice landscaped yard. Taxes are really low...about $85 a year. I'm going to be working on the place getting it ready to list with a realtor for about a month. If someone makes me an offer before I list it with a realtor I will have more negotiating room. If someone makes me an offer before I do all the work I am planning to do in the next month I'll negotiate further. I'm asking $30,500. If you will be financing this is a good time since the fed was nice enough to lower the interest rates. I'll do my best to answer any questions. I'll be available at pretty much any time to show the property till I move back to Texas in June. Amanda
-- Amanda in MO (aseley@townsqr.com), April 20, 2001
Amanda, I'm very interested in your farm. Do you have any pictures? Amanda
-- Amanda Callahan (adelia_broga@hotmail.com), April 22, 2001.
Hello. I might be interested. Please e-mail or post more info.
-- ed (edfrhes@aol.com), April 25, 2001.
Hello. I am interested in your farm. Do you have any pictures, or other info? David
-- David Engeling (belgerath0@yahoo.com), August 11, 2001.