House and 10 acres in ND available in Sept? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Due to family changes we may need to move in Sept.(2001). We would like to get an idea if there would be any interest.It is 10 acres. We are on a river but hilly so there is no danger of flooding. There are many trees. Dozen various fruit trees and a berry patch started and deer fenced. Excellant garden spot; herb garden around the house.
Partly fenced for sheep. The barn needs some roof work but is functional otherwise. Chicken coop.
Mostly renovated, two story farmhouse. There are 3 bedrooms, one has a castle built into it and painted all fancy; there is a nice open landing (which will need new sheetrock some day) with a alcove of bookshelves; the kitchen is quite large plus pantry; dining room; large living room; family room; and laundry porch. There are 2 chimneys in the house and one is ready for a cookstove in the kitchen.
The nearby town is small (200 people). Decent, helpful neighbors. Very low taxes ($150 this year!)
Asking $22,000
-- up north (, April 18, 2001
Can you finance it?
-- Kathleen (, April 20, 2001.
And where in ND is it? :)
-- Kathleen (, April 20, 2001.
Hi,Ditto on the above questions, plus how long have you lived there? How for to the nearest big town. Where do you get your water from, a well or the river? Interested.
-- Deborah (, April 21, 2001.
I would like to know the approximate location of the property.
-- Jim Evans (, April 22, 2001.
I sent these folks an email on the 18 and no answer. Is this just a hoax post?
-- Lynn Goltz (, April 23, 2001.
I doubt if this is a hoax. I'm a North Dakotan and these deals are around. The only problem is LOCATION. Since he says the nearest town has 200 people, then that is probably the ONLY town for at least 75-100 miles of any size. This means things like 75-100 mile trips one way for decent shopping. A serious danger of school closings, your kids may have to ride a bus an hour and a half each way. And so forth.As to water, either they have a well or a cistern, but no way will they be pulling water out of the river directly. Chances are they have a well being close to a river.
My brother ran across a great deal about 10 years ago. He found a farmyard with a basement, no house. There was a three stall garage and about 10 acres on a highway and only about 10 miles from the nearest town. He paid $8,000 for and built a house on the basement himself. Luckily he's a trucker so it didn't really matter where his house was. The garage alone was worth at least $5,000.
These deals are out there. It's just a matter of looking for them and being flexible in location.
If you have more questions about ND feel free to contact me or visit my website and post at the forums.
Plainsman :)
-- Plainsman (, June 03, 2001.