can raspberries be planted in the summer? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I won't be able to be on the property until mid-June. I know that any raspberries I plant won't bear until the following Spring, so do I have to wait until next Spring to plant and not have berries for two years? Or, can I go ahead and plant this summer and have berries next summer?
-- Paul Wheaton (, April 18, 2001
Paul, I have transplanted raspberries in the summer. Not the most desirable time to do it, but with extra care to see that they get water it is doable.
-- diane (, April 18, 2001.
They can be planted then, but keep them well watered. It's hard to destroy raspberries! Mine for chewed down by rabbits, It was the first time in 7 years that this happened. I guess it's time to buy some more chicken wire.
-- Ardie from WI (, April 18, 2001.
As long as they don't dry out and it's not too hot you should be fine. You might still get some Fall berries. We don't have a problem with hot weather here in W.WA, so I've planted raspberries from Spring-Fall.
-- Kent in WA (, April 18, 2001.
Judging from the other responses you got, maybe it depends on the area in which you live. I have tried to transplant raspberries in the summer and failed miserably. I have only had good luck witht that in the spring. We live in MN.
-- Maylene (, April 18, 2001.
For the past several years, we've been getting raspberry plants from my Grandfather's garden every fall. They're grown in Upper Michigan and he gives them to us mid-end of Sept. We put them in the ground right away (we're in central Wisc.) and water them well. The following year, we get a few berries, and the second and third years the yield increases substantially.
-- Rose Marie Wild (, April 18, 2001.