Chicks Ganging up on the Runt! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
First, I made sure my email address is correct this time, so no one will get a bounceback. I apologize for that last typo under Chicks- How Warm? I have a chick who looks bad. We were told that he stayed in his egg too long, and he's pretty scrawny looking. I've seen him eat, and I've tried to put his beak in the water, but I'm not sure if he's drinking properly. He had a pasted vent, and I cleaned him per instructions from the archive earlier this evening. But he seems unsteady, and alittle while ago I heard him get loud, and looked in the brooder to find him on his back with several of my healthy chicks pecking at him. I shooed them off, but I'm going to have to sleep sometime. Do I just let it happen, or is there any point in separating him? Also, when I cleaned the chick up, that was the first time I've ever had a closeup of chicken anatomy "live". There are two openings in his/her nether region. I've identified the lower one (I assume), but what about the upper one? It appears as if there might be a problem there, as it's kind of pushed out. I know I must sound like an idiot, and someone's probably going to tell me the bird is a she, and the part should be obvious, but this stuff is very tiny and totally unfamiliar, so I'd rather ask. I always thought that bird genitalia was hidden, and this just doesn't look "right". However, there's no blood/fluid so.... Help, I'm talking and I can't shut up : ) Thanks in advance
-- Kristin, in La. (, April 18, 2001
the other opening may be the navel. Yes they have one, where the yolk sac was attached. If thats not it, I have no idea. You will need to seperate the chick untill it gets stronger or they will kill it. Try a small paper box with a 40 watt or so bulb fairly close, water in a lid with marbles ot gravel in it so it doesn't drown,and food on the floor. good luck
-- blue eggs (, April 18, 2001.
Kristin, I am assuming that you hatched these out yourself?? or just bought them? It sounds like something I have had occasionally and yes, they just aren't right and usually die. I have found, when hatching, that there is some sort of instinct in even baby chicks to attack the deformed chicks among them. I have had them born with crooked toes and all the chicks would start pecking at the deformed toes.
-- diane (, April 18, 2001.
I will agree with Diane, chicks can be vicious and if you don't take out the picked on one they will kill it, but there is something wrong with it that the others know. Sometimes it's better to let nature take it's course. I know it's hard. I hope it works out ok for the little one.
-- Kent in WA (, April 18, 2001.
Kristin, this a cruel but honest response to your post. Your other chickens know that he/she is sickly and could get a disease that would spread to them. That's why they want to get rid of him/her. Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one. Here's mine. My opinion is just to kill the runt, bury him/her and continue on. Eagle
-- eagle (, April 19, 2001.
Hi Kristin, How is the little guy doing now? Let us know what is happening with him. Hope he is ok. Take care, Julie
-- Julie (, April 21, 2001.