In case anybody's missed it... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The shadow ( is cpr.

Already Done Happened (oh.yeah@it.did) is Ken Decker.

-- (Just@keeping.score), April 17, 2001


Lars is nemesis.

Where has he been lately?

-- (Just@keeping.score), April 17, 2001.

And The Dog, ( is THE DOG...


scratchin' an itch...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 17, 2001.

Just@keeping.score is Manny

cin is Lady Logic

Uncle Bob is Uncle Deedah


Aunt Bee is Aunt Jemima

Tarzan is William Jefferson Clinton

Ain't Gonna is George "Dubya" Bush

"libs are idiots" is Rush Limbaugh

The anonymous trolls are Ed Yourdon

I am Diane Squire. Global snips for you!!!!!!!

-- (snip@snippy.snip), April 17, 2001.

Bemused is not Amused.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), April 17, 2001.

"libs are idiots (" is Thomas Chittum

-- (also@keeping.score), April 17, 2001.

Sorry, but I am Lady Logic, not cin.

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 17, 2001.

You said I could be Lady Logic this month, Unk. Your turn doesn't come around again until July at the earliest.

-- helen (wh@t.not), April 17, 2001.

shhhhhh. Keep this quiet.

-- (I know@who.ll is), April 17, 2001.

That kind of looks like Cin...

rubbin' the eyes...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 17, 2001.

They do kindof look alike but their not the same. Heres the direct link ll

-- (I know@who .ll is), April 17, 2001.

Definitely not LL. Does look more like Cin.

-- Girl Watcher (, April 17, 2001.

cin is a woof woof

That is not cin

-- (uh@hu.h), April 17, 2001.

I've seen cin's picture, trust me, cin is far prettier than that girl in the "LL pic".

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 17, 2001.

with all due respect Uncle Deedah, how do you know the pic you saw is really cin?

-- (uh@hu.h), April 17, 2001.

BTW, that looks like Jennifer Aniston

-- (uh@h.uh), April 17, 2001.

Cause it was the Vegas pics, and unless those pictures have been digitally enhanced by Anita, it is pretty clear to me that cin is a babe.

Now, the reason I am so sure about the identity difference between the two is because I have also seen the real LL's picture. Two of them in fact. One was one of those "Glamour" type pictures, and one was her driver's license picture. LL is not an ugly beast, she is in fact kinda cute, but she is not in cin's league by any stretch.

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 17, 2001.

Pammy = Marilyn Monroe (re-incarnated, of course) ;)

-- Pammy (, April 17, 2001.


I know who Pammy is too, hee hee. I am all knowing and all seeing, and I don't even need to check IP's to find out!

PS, I am Lady Logic, like I already told you.

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 17, 2001.

Unc -- I also have seen the LL pics and concur with your opinions. Cin IS a babe and that's why certain detractors of her are jealous.

-- Sleuth (checking@'em.all.out), April 17, 2001.

cin is a freak

an ugly one too

-- (yah@yah.yah), April 17, 2001.

You think a woman whose eyes are so buggy she has one on each side of her head is attractive?

You horny lil devils are just looking at her tits that she squeezed together to look bigger.

-- beauty is in the eye (of @the .beholder), April 17, 2001.

grainy photo, but I think Cin is quite attractive also.

-- just stating my opinion (I@just.did), April 17, 2001.

I've seen Cin in person, and believe me she is very attractive. What's with you losers who seem to have the need to attack her? Maybe it's because she's a lot prettier than anyone you'll ever be seen with.

-- Someone (who@appreciates.fine.ladies), April 17, 2001.

Will the real cin, please stand up

On second thought....please don't

-- (yah@yah.yah), April 17, 2001.

This is the person attacking cin...

-- (Polaroid@R.US), April 17, 2001.

What Yah Was Trying To Display

-- Here's (a@second.try), April 17, 2001.

You should quit spamming this thread now, cin.

-- (sorry@you're.upset), April 17, 2001.

cin, are you done throwing a hissy fit?

-- (', April 17, 2001.

I am actually Dennis Olsen. Except on Tuesdays and odd Thursdays, when I am Paracelsus. And on Federal holidays, when I am Chuck, a Night Driver. And on nights of the full moon, when I am a guy named Ed.

Wrong answer, Just Keeping Score. Insert quarter and try again.

-- Already Done Happened (, April 17, 2001.

sorry, I'm not cin

-- (Polaroid@R.Us), April 17, 2001.

So tell us Unk, all knowing one. Could that be Doc in the back of the truck, trying in vain to escape from his Brooklyn ‘Beauty’?

-- Flatulent (fatty@from.Flatbush), April 18, 2001.

Hey snip,

LOL-Ya want some nice hot pancakes for breakfast? Word has it mine are pretty good!

-- Aunt Bee (, April 18, 2001.

OK OK OK.....sheesh. Alright, since I am confessing the terrible truths about myself on this thread I may as well just get it all out there in the open.

OK, I admit it, I cannot any longer live the with the big lie, it is just too painful.......the truth is.......well, I guess I'll just have to come right out and say it......I am that girl in the red bikini. Are you happy now, you bastards?

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 18, 2001.

I thought we agreed: no more revolting photos?

Unk, get on the Subway diet, the Zone diet, something. For our sake.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), April 18, 2001.

I can't wait for the day that women are not judged solely by their appearances. I can't wait for the day that the large women in those pictures can be proud of their accomplishments and not feel the need to subject themselves to the obvious humiliation they felt when they posed for those photographs. Shame on the person who posted them.

Instead of judging the size of cin's eyes or breasts, or the size of the large women's thighs, we should be judging their words and deeds. Let us use cin for example because she participates here. Does the words she write have magic? Do they have insight into the human condition or universe? Does she volunteer at her children's school or a favorite charity? Or, does she just talk about sex, drugs, sports, and rock and roll? Or, (heaven forbid) does she complain about the cruelty of life without actively trying to improve it? (These are rhetorical questions, mind you.)

Until humankind judges a person by their character rather than their looks, we will remain a nation of superficial, silicone-enhanced, steroid-pumped, plastic people whose only goal in life is to wear Ferragamo's, drive the flashiest car, and have a trophy wife or rich husband. Who among you can be certain you will be rich or beautiful for the rest of your life?

-- Carmen Spaglia (ca@sp.not), April 18, 2001.

Carmen, do you want to mudwrestle?

-- (Ghost@of.kos), April 18, 2001.

Just for the record, there is no poster that *I*'ve seen who used the name Dennis Olsen. There is one who uses the name Dennis Olson. [ you may have had to be raised by Norwegians or Swedes to notice these subtleties, but they're NOT subtleties when Norwegians and Swedes communicate between themselves.] The "sen" suffix oftentimes separates the Norwegians from the "son" suffix which oftentimes indicates Swedish heritage, although not true in the case of Dennis. [Yep...I already asked him.]

Was it Carmen? [whoever posted on how people should be thought of for their deeds versus their appearance], I agree to an extent. HOWEVER, we DO live in a society where gross obesity or even gross skinniness is considered undesirable. Would YOU pose for pictures in these skimpy garments if you were this large? It seems to ME that the ridicule received was brought on by the DEED.

-- Anita (, April 18, 2001.

Misery loves company, eh carmen?

Sorry but I'm just not going to oblige you today.

Have a nice day =)

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 18, 2001.

Carmen, if women wouldn't work so hard at dressing, looking, and acting sexy, use high-testosterone guys might start being able to think about their personalities and accomplishments more often.

-- Mr. T (can't@stop.fantisizing), April 18, 2001.

Not all women have gone around trying to dress, look, and act sexy, especially at work. (Thinking of the times I was crawling around in hydraulic fluid)

-- Cherri (, April 19, 2001.

True Cherri, but there are still too many women who do. It is actually a form of sexual harrassment but we men have learned to like it and no one would take us seriously if we complained. Very distracting for us with an adequate testosterone level and even a reasonably vivid imagination. I wonder how many work hours get frittered away with employees daydreaming about sex with the chick in the next cubicle, or the one that just sashayed down the hall in a tight skirt? Happens all the time in the many businesses I've worked in. Isn't the average man supposed to think about sex about every 30 seconds or so?

-- Mr. T (, April 19, 2001.

For all that testosterone, you certainly are a WEAKLING

Blame yourself!

p.s..That is almost like saying a woman asks to be raped by what she is wearing.

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 19, 2001.

You got here before I did, cin. Thanks for being on the ball.

Cherri and Mr T are blaming women because there are some men who can't control their own thoughts. It is this kind of convoluted thinking that keeps women in second class status.

-- Carmen Spaglia (ca@pa.not), April 19, 2001.

Nothing personal, carmen, but I don't feel I am second class to any person; man or woman.

I am truly sorry that you feel this way.

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 19, 2001.


"For all that testosterone, you certainly are a WEAKLING

Blame yourself!

p.s..That is almost like saying a woman asks to be raped by what she is wearing."

Hey, lighten up. What part of what I said makes me a weakling, especially if I have a normal testosterone level? I just like you fine ladies a lot and get turned on when I see one of you dressed provocatively. I don't see how this equates with "saying a woman askes to be raped by what she is wearing". I think that we both know that this is a bit of an extrapolation. Carmen,

I don't see where Cherri should be on the accused list. Frankly, though, the double standard prevails. I'm just talking about sociobiological fact. It's perfectly natural for normal men to get aroused when a provocatively dressed female shows up. Provocative dress doesn't belong in a work environment. As has been said by wiser sages than I, "when the skirt is above the knee, it means bedroom not boardroom".

-- Mr. T (please@lighten.up.a.bit.ladies), April 19, 2001.

Mr T

Basically what you're saying is that you don't have any control over yourself or your thoughts, and that women who are scantily clad have power over you.

Is this about right?

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 19, 2001.

No, Cin, it isn't. I'm simply saying that normal males respond to sociobiological stimuli from the female sex and it can be distracting in a work environment. It is a known fact that men are more easily aroused through visual stimuli. It is true that attractive women who are scantily clad do exert a certain power over me. It is only a weakness if I can't handle it. But it is wrong to engage in this sort of game at work.

-- Mr. T (just@an.ordinary.guy.with.ordinary.likes), April 19, 2001.

Jesus Christ, T, you sound rather Talibanistic today. So you just can't get any work done with all those brazen hussies around? And it's their fault, because they're wearing their skirts a little shorter than the Taliban allows? And you call yourself a non- weakling?

How about you try this: get laid once in your life. Maybe your libido will be controllable then.

-- Jesus (, April 20, 2001.

Mr. Martinez, before you draw any conclusions regarding the attitude of the Taliban’s toward the female species, I suggest an examination of your own countrymen. The macho Mexican male is well documented as one of the planet’s leading abusers of women, both socially and physically. A society that grades its men by the number of children he can sire is doomed to remain at the bottom of the food chain. We see hundreds of thousands of Mexican immigrants in this country (mostly here illegally) that can hardly afford to feed themselves, let alone their spouse and the volumes of children they are hell bent to produce. Your own government will never support this activity but the liberals here in the U.S. are more than happy to spend the taxpayers money so Mexican’s can proliferate at an alarming pace.

In addition, you macho Mexican men are well known for the repeated physical and sexual mistreatment of your females, with absolutely no remorse whatsoever. So Jesus, don’t come round here with your bullshit indignation sir. Save the diatribe for the irresponsible and socially unacceptable customs of your own culture.

-- So (, April 20, 2001.

The old Greek has brought some out valid points Jesus. For a change, I am interested in hearing what you have to say.

-- Cat (got@your.tongue?), April 21, 2001.

Slap, slap! ‘Make that ‘out some’ not ‘some out’.

-- Cat (got@your.tongue?), April 21, 2001.

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