How did I get on Jeeves? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was just e-mailed from someone asking me to help him with ants. He said he got my e-mail off Ask Jeeves. The only place I ever answered questions about ants was on this forum. This is the second person who contacted me about ants. Are all our questions, answers and e-mails in Jeeves? Does anyone know if there is something I can do to get my e-mail off Jeeves? I'm a bit upset because I thought this was the only place my answers would be (silly me)
-- Dee (, April 16, 2001
Any time your on a public forum b-board your post can be accessed by these engines. Using a false address may solve the problem, however , you need to use a firewall also. You will also have to change your real email address also.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 16, 2001.
Dee, it's not just Country Side. I just received an e-mail that could only have come from one of the other forums that I'm on. I have also gotten on other forums by doing a web search and finding an answer that was posted on a forum. Don't know why they're not smart enough to realize that what they're finding was an answer on a forum and we're not what they're looking for.JackD
-- JackD (, April 16, 2001.
Ah ha! Now some of you can begin to realize why I don't give my real email address now that we have to post one. Just this past week I received two emails asking for information that I had posted back in 1999. Sorry, but I often don't have the information at hand anymore, and can't even remember where I looked it up.Use several search engines on yourself and you might be amazed at the number of items that come up. Some won't yield any while others give hits.
-- Notforprint (, April 16, 2001.
I was told by a realtor a few months ago when we were searching for a farm in NH that his son worked for a computer company and told him that you can find out information on people by typing in their name on a google search. Now grant it this information isn't personal in nature like the information you would get using a software to investigate. It is intweresting though, I tired it by typing in my name and loa nd behold i saw some of the threads i posted to here on the search i did along with a few other posts on goat lists.
-- Bernice (, April 16, 2001.
About every two weeks I get an e-mail with a question on corn burning stoves. Have been wondering how they were routed to me. Now I know. Thanks.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, April 17, 2001.
I, too, recieved some e-mails regarding chickens from people who hadn't a clue what the Countryside forum was. One was a man in France asking "Do you butcher chicken yourself?"
-- Nancy (, April 17, 2001.
Me too. But hey, it's letting people know Countryside Forum is here, and some have gotten the magazine when they see how amazing we are! That Google is something else, it's sooo fast, I use it all the time now.
-- Cindy in Ky (, April 18, 2001.
This morning on boot up into explorer, I noticed the word Jeeves come up on the link status line. Don't know if it has something to do with my ISP or if its a double click tracker. Any of you wizards know an easy way to clean this linking out?
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 19, 2001.
I had one of our network/internet engineers check out this jeeves thing for me. His answer was that most of these free b-boards as a means to generate income will sell their keyword lookups and links to those engines.His advice was either use fake or dead drop email addresses or visit only sites that have a posted privacey policy. He said if a board doesn't advertise a privacy policy, they likely share all information.He also pointed out " What's the difference of being in one public web location where you have no idea who is lurking or being in 20 locations".
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 20, 2001.
Guess that's true.
-- Dee (, April 20, 2001.
Try this:
-- Glenn (, April 21, 2001.
Glenn, I know how to get to Ask Jeeves and tried to look for my answer but my questions didn't bring it up. I guess depending on how someone words a question is whether your answer gets viewed or not. (thank goodness)
-- Dee (, April 21, 2001.
it's . It's a good search engine, don't know much about the junk mail tho. What Jeeves does is keep it's banner on the top while it goes to lots of web sites. try it once and you'll see what I mean. Someone went there and asked about ants, and one of the search responses was something on this bulletin board. It is one of my favorite search engines.
-- Joan Murray (, April 23, 2001.
The thing that mystifies me is when I get questions such as 'Where can I buy 50 lb bags of kelp? -- I live in the U.K.' since I posted about using extra beyond feed needs in the garden. Is there some way to let people know that we're in the U.S. and I haven't a clue where they'd find kelp in their country (especially strange since a lot of it comes from Scotland!).
-- julie f. (, April 23, 2001.
I've often come across a post from here on my search engines. It really surprised me ~ I'm looking for brilliant answers and one of mine pops up! Hmmmm, what's wrong with this picture! -LOL-
-- ~Rogo (, April 24, 2001.