Hayfield into Homegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
HI there! What an extraordinary place!! I was so overwhelmed when I started pointing and clicking and saw the abundance of information (and what a lot of nice people!) that I gazed upwards and gave thanks!I am turning a hayfield into a home in a beautiful valley in Manitoba,Canada. No doubt there are plenty of experienced souls in here. Thanks to everyone ahead of time!
Have a good one - and please pray for spring. Thanks, Deborah
-- Deborah (djdangel@mb.sympatico.ca), April 16, 2001
Hoody Doody Deborah you found it! Did you click the link on the front page for the Free Issue of the magazine? You gotta get one, we're all hooked as you can see. And you are quite right, we are very extraordinary! Thanks for the nice words. Tell us about your place and more of your plans.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), April 16, 2001.
Welcome to Countryside!! Always good to hear of someone beginning to live their dreams!! Best of luck and a very hearty welcome to you!!
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), April 16, 2001.
Hi glad to have more people join our group. Its wonderful to start from scratch. What we did was draw how we wanted our place to look, road, trees and where the house would would be how the windows would be placed for the best view. Then we took string and stakes out to the property and staked out the house. That way you really get a feel for where you want things. Take lawn chairs and sit and talk. We built in stages, so it's best to know where things are going to be placed. Our building department also wanted a plan. Remember wells and septic tanks must be so many feet apart. Building Department will have this infor. There's lot's of house plans sites on the web. You didn't say if your going to hire work out, get bids in writing. I really enjoyed doing our place. Best wishes with yours.
-- Joanne (ronandjo@sisna.com), April 17, 2001.
Thanks for the welcome! I had a devil of a time finding my posting, but ta-da!! here it is. Hmmmmm, homesteading with a plan - actually trying to fit my plan with the house, septic field and tree rows already in. I am grateful for that and know the creative (workable) plans will simply pop into my mind. Meanwhile, I am enjoying the wonderous sites spring is serving up. It's been a long winter . . . have a good one y'all!!
-- Deborah (djdangel@mb.sympatico.ca), April 19, 2001.