Soni, are you out there? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Soni, I am missing you! I haven't seen any posts from you in quite awhile, though I realize I may have missed some. Can you let me (us?) know you're alright? Thanks!
-- Joy F (So.Central Wisconsin) (, April 15, 2001
Oh yeah, I'm here, just mucho busy 9and tired!) getting final permits on four more HFH houses (all but one passed (yeah), as expected - some engineering problem with the grade on the fourth, but the homeowners are in now hurry). Also starting my next career (I finally decided, thank goodness) as a writer - yeah, I know, no money. But lots of happy happy joy joy for Soni. As for the $ issue, well, my Mom had the brightest idea that I'm swiping. As soon as I get my property, before any other building goes up, I will build me a certified kitchen. Then, I can make jams, jellies, breads, etc. for a reasonable "do for now" income. Hubby gets insomnia and likes to bake and suprise me with goodies the next morning (strawberry coconut tea cake, last time), so will let him loose on the kitchen and see what happens.Been really busy trying to get my first short story (mystery) off the computer (ie nominally finished) and onto paper to proof and revise. Got to that milestone this evening! WHEEEEE! I'M A WRITER!!! Not a publlished writer, but a writer non the less.
Thanks for wondering, all the same, and if anyone feels particularly masochistic, I can post my first story when I finally get it revised and cut down a bit. (it's almost 10,000 words as it stands, way too long. Time to kill my baby! OUCHIE)
-- Soni (, April 16, 2001.
Glad you're still around and okay (if a bit swamped!). :-)I'd love to read your story, but I'm not too sure about posting anything you might want to try to sell. I'd worry about someone stealing it!
-- Joy F (So.Central Wisconsin) (, April 16, 2001.
Soni, I have also wanted to do the jams, jellies, etc since the 70's. I always pictured doing it from a log cabin but that is not going to happen, but I will also do certified kitchen when we move back to the country next year. Have the place and we are planning on converting the basement, should be able to do that as long as we have a bathroom separate from the family bathroom. I now sell at a farmer's market. Next year that will be, most likely, the only income we have for awhile. Let me know how you are doing. By the way, where you live do you need to pass a food sanitation course? I did, but it is easy and mostly common sense. Good Luck!
-- Cordy (,), April 17, 2001.
No clue what-so-ever about the sanitation course, but course work of any kind has never been a big problem for me - natural student. Will try to keep better tabs on the forum (no telling what you hairy eyeballs got into while I was gone!) as I noticed that the entire list was new when I logged back on! YIKES. Time flies when you're banging your head against a word processor.
-- Soni (, April 20, 2001.