Aracauna Chickens...what to feed for colored : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have aracauna (easter egg) chickens....rooster and somewhere that there is something extra you feed them to increase the intensity of the color in the eggs....can you help me?? thank you.
-- Cheryl Gibbons (, April 13, 2001
Different feeds can affect the color of the yolk, but I don't think it will make a difference in shell color. But it seem that when they are unhealthy, the color dulls. When my americana pullet was sick, her eggs were hard to tell apart from the white eggs, but when she's healthy they are a lovely light blue-green.
-- Elizabeth (, April 13, 2001.
I've never heard of anything to effect the color of the shell either. If you find out, please let us know! Ours lay wonderful colored eggs, and are the only ones that fly over the fenced in chicken yard to lay their eggs in the sheep's barn, and have lunch with her. Then they are too stupid to fly back out. Neat eggs, though! Jan
-- Jan in CO (, April 14, 2001.
Hi I am Adam and I am 9 years old, I have 9 Aracauna hens along with 40 other hens. I am here to tell you that there is nothing different to feed them than the other chicken feed. They all have diffent color eggs. We even know which hen lays what egg by the color that she lays. Some colors are olive green, light blue, and sky blue, and pinkish green. We wish you luck with your hens. Karole and Adam.
-- Karole and Adam (, April 14, 2001.
I agree that nothing I feed my Americana (what most of us have) hens changes the color of their eggs, and that each chicken lays a very individual egg, color,size and shape. I certainly don't agree they are stupid. They are naturally very gentle and easily trained. I find mine will learn to do most anything I want them to with the treat of a few raisons. This works quite well for rabbits too.
-- blue eggs (, April 18, 2001.
You could always add food dye to the feed and inject the eggs and hatch out chicks like this!:)![]()
-- Kent in WA (, April 18, 2001.
-- Kent in WA (, April 18, 2001.
good one kent! We have never noticed anything that changes the color of our Auracana's eggs, but thanks for the laughs.
-- z in washington (, April 20, 2001.