how long does a ram pump last? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

How long does a ram pump last?

How much do they cost?

-- Paul Wheaton (, April 13, 2001


Look for Rife Manufacturing. They are the best as far as I'm concerned. They aren't cheap; you'll be looking at several hundred bucks. They should last a lot longer than you or your kids, or maybe even your grandkids.

I built my own, and everything on it is bullet proof except the spring, for which I used a piece of 1/8" x 2" flat steel. It would only last about a year, then it would break, and I would have to weld the break. If I knew a little bit about blacksmithing I'd have turned it into spring steel. I'd recommend getting a blacksmith to temper the spring's steel if you make your own.

Hydraulic rams are awesome. Closest thing to magic I've ever seen.


-- jumpoff joe (, April 14, 2001.

-- jumpoff joe (, April 14, 2001.

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