It it OK to post our homestead for sale ? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I wanted to know if it's alright to post our eastern Tenn. homestead for sale on the forum? Does anyone know if there are restrictions when bringing goats across state line ?
-- SM Steve (, April 13, 2001
We are planning to move a few goats from Texas up to Colorado. Found a website showing regulations for doing so, but found out what I really needed to do was contact state vet. Your local vet will have phone numbers to call for all the state vets, who will give them their requirements.(Your vet may have to give you a health certificate based on your new state's requirements) If you are going across more than one state, the one you need to worry about is your point of destination, as long as goats are not getting off trailer and mingling with stock anywhere else.
-- mary, texas (, April 13, 2001.
Homesteads for sale have been posted in the past without problems. So I guess your answer is yes.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, April 13, 2001.
P.S. Recognize though the forum reaches only a very, very small percentage of Countryside readers. You would likely be better off placing a classified ad.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, April 13, 2001.
Thanks Mary for the information,I'm gonna have to plan this right as to not travel when it's to hot .Thanks Ken
-- SM Steve (, April 13, 2001.
Hi, we might be interested, we just sold our farm here and have 31 days to move. As for health papers on moving goats, we have goats too and will need health papers to move them. especially with the new NC regs i suspect that will set precident with other states, its a search and seize law, see countryside forum post on fmd and constitutional rights. I e-mailed my friends as this was a surprise as we live close to NC, waiting to hear back.B
-- Bernice (, April 13, 2001.
Bernice I read your post and from the sounds of what your looking for it's probably not the place you have in mind.It's 3.85 acres of mostly mountain terrain just outside Smokey Mountain national park ,although I have an old logging road above my property and no one lives up from me so I have what seems like endless amount of land I can walk and browse my goats on.I have neighbors that border my property on one side. I have a beautiful mountain view of what I think is North Carolina national forrest.Non of my closest neighbors raise livestock,but are well acceppting of my 14 goats and chickens which can number 200 at times.No one hunts up in the area behind us,as people here won't give access through their land to hunters from other areas.And my closer neighbors don't hunt themselves.But there are deer and wild turkeys for people who like to hunt.I have a large flat area that is good for raised bed gardens .I too am looking for a bigger parcel of land that sibblings and parents plan to chip in with me .Feel free to write to my e-mail address.I didn't find that post you mentioned about F&MD & constitutional rights,whats that about? is it still posted?
-- SM Steve (, April 13, 2001.
Hi Steve,Your area sounds just lovely. I really like the mountains, the viewsa nd the peacefullness. I am working hard on trying to find some property, another farm, have a few leads. Boy, with 30 days and counting its going to be an adventure. Hey, good luck with your search. Heres the post/thread on that NC law:
Check out this article from North Carolina. Gee, say goodbye to your rights in the name of safety. This is scary, if signed by the Governor. Mary
-- Mary in East TN (, April 13, 2001
-- Bernice (, April 14, 2001.