Corrections to Spinning Article in May/June : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello Everyone,Before you run out and try to find the materials for the drop spindle on page 54 in the May/June issue of Countryside, please add these corrections to the article. On page 54, replace the materials listed with the following: 2.5" wooden toy wheel, 3/8" diameter 12" long dowel, and 1 small cup hook. Also, on page 58, change the PO Box for the Michigan Fiber Festival from 310 to PO Box 744.
I'm sorry about these errors. Some things changed after the article was written and other's were goofed up in the transfering process from my fingers to final copy. I hope these help.
Happy Spinning!!!
-- Angela Hammer (, April 12, 2001
Angela: Excellent article, by the way! Thanks for the corrections, and thanks for the drawings, helps someone like me who can't follow written directions but can follow if pictures are there, or someone shows me how to do something! Thanks, Jan
-- Jan in CO (, April 13, 2001.
Yes, Angela,Nice Article. I have felt badly for some time as I wanted to get back to a few folks on spindle spinning and have not been able to. This way folks in the outer areas can at least get a good start. Thank you, from a fellow spinner. (Sorry Stan, et al....)
Sandie in MA
-- Sandie Thompson (formerly Baker) (, April 16, 2001.