Confused about bounce backs (Forum related????) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
K... Have another question.My posts are all here, so don't think I'm worried about the censorship thing that was ramant a day or so ago...
For every message I post here (and on one other forum with this same formatting) I get a returned mail response in my email box.
Is this on my end, my software maybe??? Or in the general programming for the forum? Can I fix the problem, or will it continue. Just started happening today.
It wouldn't bother me except for I post a lot - and in a lot of places, so its cluttering up the mail... Have to check them, because it doesn't give the addy, so if I send out emails too, I spend an AWFUL lot of time just checking the returns. Guess if nothing else, it could teach me to keep my big mouth shut, LOL!!!
-- Sue Diederich (, April 12, 2001
When you start a thread yourself, be sure and check NO in the box that says do you want email responses sent to you. If someone starts a thread with a bogus email, they will bounce back to you if the person checked YES in the box. Makes no sense to want responces if they don't use a valid email. I very rarely get any.
-- Cindy in Ky (, April 13, 2001.
Thanks, Cindy -Never realized.... I will remember that!
-- Sue Diederich (, April 13, 2001.