Bok's chat : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Does anyone know if Bok's chat is gone, or is the server temporarily down? I haven't been able to connect.

Has anyone heard from Kritter lately?

Enough snooping from me.


-- gene (, April 11, 2001


Hi Gene! Apparently Bok's is gone for good. Kritter was seen on this thread on April 1st.

-- Gayla (, April 14, 2001.

Thanks, Gayla,

I guess life is like that. Things change. Welcome new friends, bury old ones.

Hi to everybody I have been missing.

-- gene (, April 14, 2001.

Bok's is gone. Kritter created a chatroom some time ago which several of us use regularly. Email myself or Kritter for the URL if interested.

Best - Rich (Bingo1)

-- Rich (, April 16, 2001.

Kritter sighting..Kritter sighting..woot.

-- kritter (, April 17, 2001.

Kritter sighting!!! Yay!!!

-- helen (shovel@han.d), April 17, 2001.

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