solar water pumps / : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
putting in a waterwell need info on types / brands of solar pumps
-- grampaw (bill pepperidge @, April 10, 2001
Try Windy Dankoff's company in New Mexico. He's got the best info, and seems to know what he's talking about. also like the guys at Energy Outfitters, in Cave Junction, Oregon. (Bob and Ray)
Best thing about solar pumps is you can operate them directly from a solar panel without having to deal with batteries.
-- jumpoff joe (, April 10, 2001.
Shurflo makes a deep well pump that runs on 24 volts. It isnt too expensive and their pumps are reliable.
-- Wayne in Kentucky (, April 10, 2001.
thanks JOJ & wayne we'll check them out & let you know
-- grampaw (bill pepperridge, April 11, 2001.