are my bees getting ready to swarm? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I noticed just before it got dark that there was a big wad of bees hanging outside one of my hives. It is dark now and they are still hanging there. Are they getting ready to swarm or is the swarm?

-- Don (, April 10, 2001


ok,, need more info. where are you? how long have you had them? is there a honey flow on? too much rain,, drought ???

-- stan (, April 10, 2001.

If your daytime temperatures are getting very hot and the hive population is growing, they may only be tyring to cool off. I have observed my hives doing this. They will all be back inside by morning. When they swarm, they typically leave the hive. Hanging on the outside is normally just a cooling strategy.

-- Skip Walton (, April 10, 2001.

Doesnt sound like swarming to me . Most likely cooling the hive by fanning their wings and sending air flow inside.God Bless.

-- Charles steen (, April 11, 2001.

Would it be to late to look for queen cells?

-- MikeinKS (, April 13, 2001.

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