New and eager to learn! Need help! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've just started looking into this stuff about a week ago and I am very facinated but extremely confused. All this talk about Mpeg-1 and 2 and .AVI and stuff. Now I know what most of these different types of formats are like .avi and .rm and .mpg but what my real question is what exactly do I need in order to take an .mpg file off a news group for example and put it on a blank CD so that I can watch it on my DVD player?

Now I know that my DVD player has to have the ability to play CD-R/RW and I know that I need to convert a bunch of stuff here and there but can somebody please tell the easiest programs to use that will do both Audio and Video together and exactly what I need to convert file type *.* into *.* (meaning any video file into anything else) Any comments and suggestions are mucho appriciato! And if anybody knows where I can get these programs, please e-mail me and let me know!

p.s. I was also interested in making the menu stuff and the begining. I know that there are some prog's out there but what's good?

Thnx- Gudder

-- Gudder (, April 10, 2001


You may find all answers to your questions at this link:

-- Shuo (, April 10, 2001.

I've searched that site, helpful but not what I was looking for!

-- Gudder (, April 10, 2001.

well first tell us what exactly your trying to accomplish if its converting a dvd into a vcd or dvd to divx or what

-- Jason (, April 12, 2001.

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