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I am a long time reader of Countryside and Mother Earth News. Have been a visitor to this site for only 6 months or so and only wish I had found this site earlier. The info. that is given freely from many individual is something that money cannot buy. This is a community of like minded people and like any community we have people of many different political and religious backgrounds. Is that really any different than the actual community you live in? For instance I am politicaly Left Wing but one of my best friends is politicaly Right Wing. I have friends that are Christians and many that are not. I have friends that are White -Black-Native-Orential . I have friends that are financialy well off and others [like me] that are getting by. I am sure that most of you share the same experiances in your personal lives. Tolerance, Understanding,Concern,Communication and LOVE is what makes a community . Do not allow this COMMUNITY to self distruct. Keep it alive and growing. We all have one thing in common with one another and that is our LOVE of Homesteading. Gary in NS
-- Gary in NS (, April 10, 2001
Gary, I agree completely. If everyone was just alike this would be one boring place. There is so much to learn. What better way than to learn from each other. Thanks for writing and reading this.
-- Dianne in Mass (, April 10, 2001.
Well said, Gary. Even in my extended family, we try not to bring up politics or religion because we are all so hard headed and have such differing opinions, but we certainly love one another, and enjoy discussions on lots of other issues. I have always had a thought that you really only need to find one thing in common to start a friendship. Had one really good friend and neighbor for a few years with whom it was hard to think of anything we had in common other than the fact that we enjoyed one another's company. I think the secret to getting along is simply not to be harsh with one another. Often friends "agree to disagree". I don't see anything wrong with that. I think we can disagree and still be kind to one another.
-- mary, texas (, April 10, 2001.
So do I, Gary. After all, forum means "an open discussion". It is a good place to learn, to teach, to exchange ideas, say hello, hash things over. We even learn thru arguing - we realize some ideas we have held may not "hold water", and others we come to realize how strongly we feel about them. Thank you Cynthia
-- Cynthia Speer (, April 10, 2001.
Several years back we moved next to a family to whom we introduced ourselves by saying howdy, we saw your ad in countryside magazine. Early on in the converstion the mom said we don't discuss politics and religion. We were a bit taken aback by her words but over the next few years we had a great relationship focusing on the things which we had in common which also made living in the countryside so great. To this day I don't know their politics or religion but I do know they were sure great country neighbors. Smart lady that mom.
-- jz (, April 10, 2001.
Gary your post was so refreshing!I said this in a post that was deleted, but i will say it again. I see the forum as an extention to Countryside magazine. If it isn't fit for the magazine then maybe you shouldn't post it on the forum either. They don't get deep into politics or religion. They celebrate love of the earth and living lightly on it. Happiness in simplicity. Where does all of this other stuff come in. I feel we are a diverse country and we will never all agree. Lets agree to disagree and get on with learning useful things from each other. I think these other issues have a place on a different forum. If a comment is made in a post why does everyone get all upset. It should flow like water off a ducks back. You will never change that persons mind. Just let it go and turn the discussion back to homesteading. Being ignored the bully's will go away.
-- Marie (, April 10, 2001.
So what's the matter with a controversial letter? Fight back, argue, or not, who cares?And if you're upset by the language, look inward. Words are only words.
-- jumpoff joe (, April 10, 2001.
I am in complete agreement with you Marie. The best response, is no response.
-- Andy in ID (, April 15, 2001.