British Helicopter Crashes Outside Pristina : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Nando Times

The Associated Press

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (April 9, 2001 12:27 p.m. EDT) - A British helicopter carrying seven crew members crashed Monday outside Pristina, a spokesman for the NATO-led Kosovo peace force said.

The chopper went down near Kacanik, 30 miles south of Pristina, said Maj. Axel Jandesek. He said he had no information on the crew's fate.

In London, a Defense Ministry spokesman also said he had no information on the condition of those on board.

The spokesman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also could not provide information on the cause of the crash, but said, "there is no indication of any hostile action."

-- Rachel Gibson (, April 10, 2001

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