Some people just have no sense of humor : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

MTV Sued for Potty Prank

yahoo, april 9

Maybe MTV needs to dump the toilet humor.

The music channel issued a mea culpa Thursday to two 14-year-old girls who were the victims of a Jackass-style prank in which they were showered with human feces.

The apology came just after the two victims, Monique Garcia and Kelly Sloat, filed a Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit against the cable net, charging MTV with infliction of emotional distress, negligence and battery.

The incident occurred January 21, during a taping of a pilot for a new show, Dude, That Sucks, in the girls' native Big Bear (a ski resort two hours north of L.A.). It was part of MTV's "Snowed In" weekend special.

According to the suit, Garcia and Sloat were steered to the side of the stage by MTV staffers, who failed to warn the girls that two men dubbed the "Shower Rangers" were planning to defecate on stage. The men came out dressed in "scouting-type uniforms" and "appeared to be acting out some kind of campfire scene."

The girls' attorney, Gloria Allred, said the Shower Rangers then "turned their backsides to the audience [and] opened a flap on the back of their shorts, exposing their naked buttocks." One of the Rangers spread his cheeks and sprayed the girls.

"We were having a good time until the second act of Dude, This Sucks went on," Garcia told reporters during a press conference to announce the lawsuit.

"All of a sudden I was smelling something disgusting and I started to gag," she added. "I looked around at my friends. They were covered in something. As I looked down at myself I realized that I was, too."

The potty prank naturally didn't go over well with the girls. Garcia and Sloat, both middle school students, say they couldn't hide the incident from their classmates who taunted the duo when they got back to school.

"Everyone knew about it, even some of the teachers," said Sloat. "Most of the kids were cracking jokes or wouldn't come near us because, even though we washed off the feces, they said 'we smelled.' I will never ever forget what a horrible experience this was."

For its part MTV, which is already knee-deep in controversy over Jackass stunts, called the Dude prank a "terrible incident" that will never be repeated.

"It was unintended and we regret that it happened," Brian Graden, MTV's programming president, said in a statement. "I was not aware of the content of this segment prior to the taping, and have taken steps to ensure that an incident of this nature never happens again."

Graden also let it be known that the footage from the pilot "has never and will never air" and said the network vows to address the lawsuit "accordingly through the legal process."

"We are sorry if these women were hurt. It is certainly never our intention to hurt anyone," added Graden.

The girls are seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

-- Lars (, April 09, 2001


Kinda funny, in a sick sort of way. Guess you had to be there.

-- libs are idiots (, April 09, 2001.

Take that back - guess you had to be there NOT!! ha ha ha

-- libs are idiots (, April 09, 2001.

This is one case I hope Allred wins, and wins big. What sick MFer thought that stunt up?

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 09, 2001.

Why did those repugs shit all over those innocent girls? Oh....because thats what repugs do!! I get it. I'm surprised that after shitting on them that they didn't fuck them in the ass.

-- Fuckin (Low, April 09, 2001.

It's a sad day in America when people get in such a tizzy over such a benign act as being sprayed with human waste. Next to snuff films and cock fighting, this is some of the best entertainment out there.

-- (Dude@That.REALLY.Sucks), April 09, 2001.

"I'm surprised that after shitting on them that they didn't fuck them in the ass."

Spoken like a true professional who knows what they're talking about.

Is that how you normally do it??


-- Deano (, April 09, 2001.

You said it Unk. This is funny?! Nothing funny about this. I just wonder what poor schmuck had to gather the poop.

Repugs? This results from your liberal hollywood friends with no self control.

-- Maria (, April 09, 2001.

"...Spoken like a true professional who knows what they're talking about.

Is that how you normally do it??


Deano, its what I've seen the illegitimate resident (the head honcho of the repugs) of the US do to all of the American citizens. You repugs love this decadent shit! You went after Clinton's cock with a vengence and you love taking Bush's cock up your ass.

-- You sick (, April 09, 2001.

So why haven't those girls' clans found the perp and induced him to never, ever even think of doing that again? Why does everything have to go to court? It takes too long and clogs up the court system with cases where is guilt is not in question.

-- helen (, April 09, 2001.

Hey commie fucker! Tell ya what dipshit, I'd bet dozens to donuts that your MTV fecal blasters voted for the same bullshit candidate that you did, and share the same socialist ideas that you do asshole.

You sound like your ready to take your intense hatred of all things constitutional and American to the street and bash some car windows in. Excellent! Lets mix it up fuckhead and get it over with! Im sick of you Marxist assholes. Go ahead, give us a reason fucker, thats all we need to clean your scummy like off our soil. You jealous goverment tit-sucking class-warfare-mongering assholes are nothing but a cancer on liberty. Your a boil on the ass of America and sooner rather than later your like is gonna get lanced.

Its why us constituion loving folks luv the 2nd amendment. So go ahead, make our millenium! Weve been waiting!

-- Truthbenown (, April 09, 2001.

MTV always promotes the democratic presidential candidates.

-- Would Gore Be Proud (I@don't.know), April 09, 2001.


Ever hear of the first amendment? The guy is exercising his right to free speech and you want to blow him away?

And you wonder why people feel the way they do about the current state of affairs. I'm curious would you pray over him before, after or during his execution?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, April 09, 2001.

Hey man,

punk got to speak his piece, doesn't mean I have to sit here and agree with it or take insults. There was a time when men would duel to the death for nothing more than an insult. Today there is no such honor, stupid shits like asshole here get to spew insults, sexual insinuation and demogogery with impugnity. They get away with it because they run and hide behind the first amendment. They have no honor. Out here thems fighting words. Attack someone long enough - eventually they are going to fight back or roll over and die. I choose to fight. Someones gotta stand up for folks and our freedoms. Seems everyone else wants to accomodate the assholes that want to tear down our constitution to make themselves feel better and more enlightened, the boys that do take a stand are spit on by the likes of you cause you dont recognize honor when you see it.

I took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. This turd I would consider a domestic enemy because socialism and this republic dont mix. Sad to see that no one thinks our freedoms are worth fighting or dying for. This fucker trounces on the freedoms we were born with and pisses on the constitution because he hates the people that uphold and protect it. As to wether I pray over him before during or after he is stupid enough to pick a knife fight with a gun toter....I don't. Stupid boy aint got no sense, so itd be a mercy killing.

You people that think we should just all get along with our enemies, are going to one day be destroyed by them. Its called the real world, and its ugly.

-- Truthbenown (, April 10, 2001.


You wouldn't know honor if it bit you on your ass. You are just another simple-minded dumb fuck, who faced with anything that does not fit you narrowly defined idea of right or wrong, screams to destroy or drown out the offending party.

As far as pissing on the constitution and other commie bullshit that pisses you off I have just this to say.

ISN'T AMERICA GREAT? You can do just about anything you want to in this country and if you don't like it when people exercise their right to have an opinion that is different than yours then YOU should get the fuck out.


You mentioned an oath you took to protect the constitution. I take it that you are a public servant, is that correct? If so I think you are doing a really crappy job in observing your duties.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, April 10, 2001.

You can't blame him for screaming, hell he's got Bush's dick stuck in his ass! Bwaahahaaa!

-- Eat My (, April 10, 2001.

Yo you sick

Sorry you feel like you're 'taking it up the ass'. That's just gotta hurt a little bit!! Hell, it's not even natural!

Personally, my lil' fanny is 'exit only'. You should try it and then maybe you won't be so pissed at the world. It's not everyone else's fault you're such a loser. But I think you knew that.


-- Deano (, April 10, 2001.

JBT, you don't posess the guts or balls to say your fucking bullshit to my face you festering pile of dogshit. Little whinning peons like yourself have been shoving your socialist bullshit in Americans faces for long enough. Having opinions is one thing, calling us every name in the book and then using mama gummint to steal our money, deprive us of liberty and shackle our pursuits of happiness at the point of a gun is crossing the line into tyranny. I aint gonna sit here and let you socialist fuckers get away with it. were done letting you use America as some kind of experimental Marxist playground. We dont want you thugs telling us what to do anymore, or extort more money from our wallets with your bloated poverty-pimping social programs or fascist takeovers of business with burdensome regulations so you can worship the earth. You assholes think you have the right to subvert the laws, take from the haves that earned it to give to useless fucks like yerself. You ignore, subvert and rewrite the constitution to suit your own agenda. Fuck you, aint gonna happen you pinko dipshit. Theres gonna come a time when fuckers like you is going to push the wrong set of folks, and the bloddletting is gonna happen fast and firece like. you think were armed to the hilt to go duck hunting, think again commie boy.

America love it or leave it does not mean we get to sit by and watch you fuckers throw your shit all over her and corrupt her into your version of a socialist utopia. You demand we accept your fucking perversions of her and listen to you assholes shit all over patriotic people and decent men trying to uphold the constitution. You make it painfully obvious you got no understanding of the constitution or liberty boy, except your self-ordained right to do what you feel is right in your own eyes. You shitheads even today excuse and defend a known liar, adulterer and perjurer because he shares your sick and demented version of what you all want to corrupt America into.

We know who the most dangerous enemy to freedom and liberty is, and it aint the chinese or the russkies, its fuckers like you that share the same beliefs in socialism that stalin and mao did and call yerselfs Americans. Bullshit boy, you aint no American - your a dogshit communist.

My official terms of service to my country are long over, but that oath is still valid and I will defend our constitution against commie fuckers like you in a heart beat. So keep it up, keep pushing. People just like you have turned entire countys from the demoncrats to the GOP. I see entire regions that feed you urban good for shits shaking their heads in disgust by assholes like you. Keep pushing your bullshit....please. All them red areas on that USA Toaday map are gonna one day come alive and toss you fuckers out on your asses.

-- Truthbenown (, April 10, 2001.


You cowardly cock sucking asshole! Eat shit and die!! I bet your mom wears army boots. bwaaaahaaaaahaaaa bwaaahaaaahaaa Whats a matter little baby? Poor little Truthbenown all upset over the nasty liberals? If we want any shit from you we will jerk your chain and flush! bwaaaahaaaa bwaaahaaaaa

-- Bite (, April 10, 2001.

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