Boswell I have a present waiting for you! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I hope you like it.

-- (I have@crush on.Boswell), April 09, 2001


DON'T open that link unless you're alone!


-- (you h@ve. been warned), April 09, 2001.

Thanks for making that a link rather than a post, I do thank you so!

Have a nice day!

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 09, 2001.

I think those are the first signs of foot and mouth disease in humans. Or it could be Manny trying to pull his head out of his ass. It happens quite often with left-wingers!

-- Boswell (, April 09, 2001.


I'm sorry that link was directed at you. Please don't try to redirect it to me (being a 'left-winger' and all).

Thank you. :)

-- Debra (, April 09, 2001.

Boswell if I remember right Manny is a right-winger. Even he will likely be offended by this post. It's most likely Squak or one of his clones who has posted similar things before.

-- Revolted (, April 09, 2001.

My apologies to Manny. And that affliction sometimes happens to right-wingers also. It all kind of proves what I've thought all along. Some people got to damn much free time on their hands and their mothers never paddled them enough.

-- Boswell (, April 09, 2001.

If I had done it I would have signed my name and took the credit you stupid asshole.

-- Manny (, April 09, 2001.

Gollllly! I guess I should have told you I did it.

I take offense that someone thinks I look gross. The guy who "shot" that picture thinks I'm one sexy muthafucka! I thought Boz would find me attractive too the way he talks about nuts and assholes.

(You're welcome Unk.)

-- anotherman's opinion (Manny @fan.#1), April 09, 2001.

Am I the only one who finds humor in the ‘marriage’ ring this rump ranger is wearing? No wonder he has no teeth, his gums are in terrible shape.

-- Open (wide@say.ahhh), April 09, 2001.

Unc, I commend your restraint. I would have pulled this disgusting garbage.

-- Troll Detector (TD@down.with.trolls), April 09, 2001.

Somebody wrote that this poster could be sqwak or something like that. Does that revert back to a Hawk that used to post! And what happened to him? Isn't Hawk the fool that thought he knew alot about aviation. And about a year ago he confessed to coming out of the closet because it was dark in there. That probably is related to his behavior in that picture. For the life of me why would you want to injure yourself permanently like that? I thought I'd seen it all till today. It would take a long time for an open wound like that to heal!

-- Boswell (, April 09, 2001.

Boswell you remember correctly. The Squak referred to is none other than the new identity that the venerable Hawk deteriorated into. He hasn't been identifying himself for some time even by that signature, but his tracks are everpresent.

-- Remembering (Hawk@before.Squak), April 12, 2001.

I think it's a little too easy to blame every tasteless post on Hawk. There are a lot of weirdos on the internet, and my guess is that more than one feels free to post this sortof shit on this forum because they KNOW everyone will blame it on Hawk.

-- Anita (, April 12, 2001.

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