LAX Prone To Accidents? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

LAX Prone To Accidents

Pilots and air traffic controllers told a planning committee Thursday that there will be an accident at LAX unless improvement are made.

They said that the airport was designed in the '50s for a different generation of aircraft, and has the worst record, since 1998, of near misses of any airport, according to CBS 2 News.

They told the committee that the airport is functioning beyond its capabilities, and that pilots want better runways and more gates to park planes.

A spokesperson for LAX responded that they "run a safe airport."

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 08, 2001


The entire city of LA is an accident waiting to happen. The people who live there tend to be a little "out to lunch" if you know what I mean.

-- (land of @ fruits. and nuts), April 08, 2001.

I remember some years ago flying into LAX. All was fine. Our ultimate destination was San Berdoo. In those days SB was served by a commuter helicopter from LAX.

It was a large helicopter, holding at least 10 passengers. On its descent into SB, the helicopter went thru a stage of vibration. I thought it would shake apart. But we landed fine and I forgot about it. Maybe two weeks later, back in Milwaukee, I saw on the news that the very same helicopter flight had crashed, killing several.

Could have been me and mine. Could have caused me tyo miss this forum.

-- Lars (, April 08, 2001.

I don't take EX-LAX but I could imagine it would make you more prone to accidents.

-- constipated (read@the.articles), April 08, 2001.

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