Where is the home canning forum?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I had a home food preservation, primarily canning, forum bookmarked but didn't go to it for quite some time. When I did look, it was no longer at the site I had. Does anyone know what happened to it or if there is another somewhere else?Thanks.
-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), April 08, 2001
I can't find it either. If someone knows of one I'd really like to know too.
-- Mary R. (cntryfolk@ime.net), April 14, 2001.
They have e-groups now, which I was part of but had to be removed when I couldn't possible read that many messages in a day. They have all developed great friendships beyond canning and freezing so if your interested in their e-groups do be aware that you will receive alot of messages that have nothing to do with canning. I do miss some of their emails though, nice people.
-- Debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), April 14, 2001.